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ginnieandlouie2 Free

This is the "louie" in "ginnieandlouie," who was destined to be my future Service Dog. He was 5 weeks old here and still living with his mother, father and 9 siblings. I've been blessed with wonderful dogs, but Lou was the best-of-the-best. Rest in Peace, Louie, Until We Meet Again. I'll love you forever.

Recent Comments

  1. 12 months ago on Overboard

    Hello My Dearest Animal Lovers, In case you’ve been wondering where I disappeared to, it was the Charlotte Intensive Care Unit. Long story short, I blew a brain fistula around the beginning of February. The prognosis is not particularly good. Time will tell. But this probably will be my last reply/comment. There are many beautiful people on this list, and you, I dearly love. And then there’s a few others that … oh well, y’all get the idea. I’m tired. Time to sign off. Ginnie

  2. about 1 year ago on Overboard

    Thank you again for the umpteenth time, Steve. …….. A few minutes later ……… (Son-of-a-blankety-blank-gun!!! it doesn’t work with my p.o.s. computer.) ….. Okay, temper tantrum is over. I set up a special emoji file. Copy and paste is working fine. ☺ I so love you, Ginnie ♥♥♥♥

  3. about 1 year ago on Overboard

    roflmao, Steve. … And are you saying I’ve got a big mouth? Love ya, Ginnie ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  4. about 1 year ago on Overboard

    At least CD is an experienced mother. Even if the amniotic sacs don’t tear during birth, she should know how to open them. Many moons ago, I helped a new mother cat deliver her kittens. With the first one born, she had no idea she needed to open its sac, and the kitten was struggling to breathe. Once I showed Mama Cat what to do, she did fine. Best As Always Wishes. Ginnie

  5. about 1 year ago on Overboard

    It seems like a long time since Nate hired the Mice Diet Patrol. So far, they seem economically solvent enough – {grin}.

  6. about 1 year ago on Overboard

    Could be, amethyst. In a way, this is really where push comes to shove. Nate, always so gentle with critters, and “Sweetie” always finding excuses not to attack Nate vs. The Will to Survive. I hope Chip pursues it. I’d love to see his solution. (Of course, he’s always got his erasers. Or this could be a dream sequence.) Very Best Critter-loving Wishes Always, Ginnie.

  7. about 1 year ago on Overboard

    Hi Dirty, I’m fairly good at conjuring up plot twists, but this one is a head-scratcher. Sharks will swallow all kinds of things, but … . Just a minute … .

    Aha, this from Wikipedia, and I quote, “As a way to put off attackers (or to remove indigestible stomach content), sharks can turn their stomachs inside out and vomit up their latest meal. Some predators eat the vomit instead of the shark.”

    That’s pretty disgusting, but it might work for Nate. Best Regards and Happiest Wishes Always, Ginnie

  8. about 1 year ago on Overboard

    Something fairly similar happened (and still is) with my brother’s estate. Yes, may all concerned rot in hell. I worked for several lawyers. They ranged from average to really decent people. P.S. I’m so sorry that lawyer (was he the nephew or the lawyer of the nephew?) did that to you (not that it matters). It’s best if you don’t let it fester, but still, I haven’t been able to do that, either. Absolutely Best Wishes, Medtech4. With Love, Ginnie.

  9. about 1 year ago on Overboard

    Hi Steve, “I don’t like people explaining their jokes,” Yep, if they have to explain a joke, … “so i just throw stuff out there …” Not terribly unlike slinging jello against a wall to see what sticks – grin.

    And speaking of black heart Emojies … , (well, we were a while back), would you believe I did copy and paste them plus your “how to” advice (that you sent more than once – sigh) to a file. But now, they are nowhere to be seen. My Computer Hates Me and Is Trying to Drive Me Crazy. (Admittedly, it’s a short drive.) So, for the umpteenth time — it’s Alt – what? Love You!! Ginnie.

  10. about 1 year ago on Overboard

    Hi Dsnerker, I love that CD gave the kitty a kiss and didn’t receive a face full of claws for her effort {smile}. Yours is a gentle and peaceful place to live, and the critters know that. I really believe that like kids, they reflect their home life. As Always, Love ya, Ginnie