
DarkerMatter Free

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  1. over 3 years ago on Frog Applause

    We’re being tortured 24/7. People are dying from suicide, or turning to more harmful means of trying to manage their pain and function. Research on non-opioid modalities is wonderful. But – No med is likely to work for everyone, and people who were stable for years on Long-term-opioid-therapy should not be losing a stablizing and life-enabling treatment.What we are advocating for is that doctors and patients be allowed to use their best judgement to determine what treatments – including opioids – an individual responds best to. Destabilizing patients is harm and violence.

  2. over 3 years ago on Frog Applause

    For some odd reason, the comic author is unable to see my earlier comment, so this is just a test.

  3. over 3 years ago on Frog Applause

    Every single word of this is #Truth. If you aren’t yet aware how patients with chronic pain, cancer pain, even in hospice, are now being left to suffer without adequate pain control because of a gross misunderstanding of how the opioid overdose numbers rocketed up over the past decade, please read this cartoon carefully, and consider that it may be you or a loved one being tortured by pain that could be treated humanely, and without risk of addiction in the vast majority of cases. But it won’t be, because of misinformation, mostly among/from law enforcement – not from our doctors whose hands are being tied (or cuffed.)