Fiction is time relative. moon landings and Dick Tracy’s wristwatch were fiction when they first appeared. The novel “1984” was fiction when it was published…“2024” is our reality now.
This seems a little tame compared to my mischievous pastimes during the 50’s. Most of them involved insects and magnifying glasses or matches. There wasn’t much snow where I grew up.
I aint one to caste stones, but it seams like a lot of pepple here like to correct others grahammer and speling. Witch would you rather be, wright or happy?
Chestnuts? What’s a Chestnut? American Chestnuts are extinct, they all died out years ago. The only ones available are from Europe and they are expensive.
Fiction is time relative. moon landings and Dick Tracy’s wristwatch were fiction when they first appeared. The novel “1984” was fiction when it was published…“2024” is our reality now.