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  1. 6 days ago on Nancy

    for those who can’t read cursive what she wrote is A new girl in Neighborhood. They say she is very nosey but I don’t believe it.

  2. about 1 month ago on Rip Haywire

    wooo a chess joke hahahhah :) I like this one

  3. 8 months ago on Nick Anderson

    when you walk like a duck talk like a duck act like a duck one can conclude that you are a duck. act like insurrectionist talk like a insurrectionist act like a insurrectionist one can conclude that you are a insurrectionist. But to your point the 2020 election was a fair election. republicans just backed the wrong horse.

  4. 12 months ago on Phoebe and Her Unicorn


  5. about 1 year ago on For Better or For Worse

    and that’s why schools do this

  6. about 1 year ago on For Better or For Worse

    since you brought it up there is no good evidence for god or Jesus. Sin is just a lable that you’ll put on acts that you don’t want people to do. Like have sex with the same sex.

  7. about 1 year ago on For Better or For Worse

    whereas my brothers dog would have scarfed down the whole thing and lick the dish clean and would still ask for dinner an hour later

  8. about 1 year ago on For Better or For Worse

    yawn thats a trump mess up for you

  9. about 1 year ago on For Better or For Worse

    I hear yeah.

  10. about 1 year ago on For Better or For Worse

    23 years here given it a shot Michael’s academic work is normal. He would excel if he settled down. Social skills are coming slowly. He is learning to control his active nature. He has shown an aptitude for athletics, group leadership, and public speaking. It is with great (relief) pleasure that I promote Michael to grade two. There are more of us then you think.