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  1. 5 days ago on B.C.

    One day in 1977 Johnny Hart had a TV satellite installed in his house. The two men who installed the system were born-again Christians and used a Christian TV network as a ā€˜test patternā€™. Hart became interested by what the preachers on the network had to say and eventually Hart started going to church (look up The Johnny Hart Interview published in Hoganā€™s Alley #2, 1995). Later in his life Hart sometimes put his religious beliefs in his comic strip, the most controversial was for Easter Sunday April 15, 2001, which some newspapers refused to publish. Despite Hartā€™s religious beliefs, one couldnā€™t say definitively that he would have disapproved of todayā€™s strip.

  2. about 1 month ago on Pooch Cafe

    Thatā€™s a very cynical view of the world. Do you really believe EVERYBODY is unethical? Anyway, Poncho did it and got caught.

  3. about 1 month ago on Pooch Cafe

    Squidā€¦sorry about the taking so long to reply, I was on a business trip. For an example of illegality please refer to Guth v. Loft, Inc., 23 Del. Ch. 255 [5 A.2d 503, 510]. From the courtā€™s opinion, ā€œCorporate officers and directors are not permitted to use their position of trust and confidence to further their private interests.ā€

  4. about 2 months ago on Pooch Cafe

    ā€œDivert revenue into personal assets.ā€

  5. about 2 months ago on Looks Good on Paper

    Iā€™d feel a little bit more sympathy for Mr. Collins if he hadnā€™t drawn one figure and then just mirrored copied it three times. Seems to be a little lazy. Or maybe thatā€™s the joke.

  6. 3 months ago on Get Fuzzy

    If we the readers are the audience looking towards the panel and the panel is considered the stage, then Bucky and Satchel would be on the stage. Therefore, Bucky IS exiting Stage Left, and us readers see Bucky exiting to House Right. Once off-stage, Bucky will get a saucer of milk in the Green Room.

  7. 3 months ago on Farcus

    And Ozzy sang, ā€œMr. Crowley, what went on in your head? / Oh, Mr. Crowley, did you talk to the dead?ā€

  8. 4 months ago on Brevity

    When you put ā€œChiliā€™s to goā€ in context with the last four stanzas of the poem as you did, Mr Thompsonā€™s pun really does work.

  9. 4 months ago on Brevity

    And that has made all the difference.

  10. 4 months ago on Get Fuzzy

    Liverpool Football Club is actually doing pretty good this year. Currently at the top of the Premier League table, 10-1-1 record. Go Liverbirds!