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  1. about 7 hours ago on Gil Thorp

    Don’t worry about it. Sh!t welcome to Snarker Nation. I’ll try to explain it some. There are people who have enjoyed this comic for 50 years or more. This comic shouldn’t have been destroyed like this. With the bad artwork and stories. Here we read this mess and they still make money on every comment we make. There are SMARTER people here who can and would explain it better than I can. I’d ask around. I think they make 3 cents or something per comment. Feed us a crappy comic and they make money on comments. Now you can see why there is a lot of peeved off people. I love this crazy bunch. They loved this comic. But its sad how it got ruined. So just ask around. Good luck.

  2. about 12 hours ago on Gil Thorp



  3. about 17 hours ago on Gil Thorp


  4. 1 day ago on Gil Thorp

    To Kramer: Respect is earned, not given. Later Ballsy Boy. Ballsy means very tough or brave. Which you are.

  5. 1 day ago on Gil Thorp

    The meanest men/women are in prison or dead. I’ve been in prison twice. I don’t want that. I would had eventually died if hadn’t got out and stayed clean. So you see this comic script banter is so minor league compared to sh!t I’ve done. So let me have my say. Respect is earned, not given. Later Ballsy Boy. Ballsy means very tough or brave. Which you are.

  6. 1 day ago on Gil Thorp

    Most of the people here have read Gil Thorp for so long they would love to see artwork they could recognize. The characters are really hard to tell apart. Then the bad writing and artwork has angered the masses.

  7. 1 day ago on Gil Thorp

    Beside King, I like John Lennon to. What I do like about you. You ain’t afraid to fight back. That takes BALLS.

  8. 1 day ago on Gil Thorp

    Hi. Now I like that comment. He was a great man. Seems like all the good men/women die young. So sad. I really admired him.

  9. 1 day ago on Gil Thorp

    So grow up and post on the current day and hiding coward.

  10. 1 day ago on Gil Thorp

    Like I said. I post several comments bout you cause they’re the TRUTH.