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  1. about 1 month ago on Luann

    Both Toni and Brad probably have training in diffusing difficult situations, due to their jobs. I’m interested in seeing how the story arc develops, also. It’s also interesting seeing how the comments are developing … with some people angry, and one person even putting in the too common sexual slur against the angry woman (being angry because she hasn’t had enough sex). A good example of how everyone figures they can put in their own two cents … including me, I admit. Best regards to all.

  2. 11 months ago on Doonesbury

    What are you people arguing about?! A nose or artwork, getting into insults to Trudeau?! Has Alex just died? Will her husband’s military medical training kick in and will he use CPR to bring her back? Has she died? This comic will worry me for the entire week. I put “Alex Doonesbury dead” in search and came up up with a thoughtful piece about deaths in this strip, but it doesn’t answer the important question. >

  3. 12 months ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    The “comic” above is an example of how an inaccurate picture helps me learn something. The Harvard Crimson (student paper) article linked below gives comments from several different groups, including the Harvard undergraduate Palestinian Solidarity Committee’s "steadfast opposition to violence against civilians ". I hope all can agree with that. Harvard’s commitment to free speech is important these days. And a look at how young people at university take on a serious topic, with longer articles because the posts are on the internet, not the short stuff that used to come with printed student papers. >

  4. about 1 year ago on Clay Bennett

    Looks like the first commenter got everyone off track from the comic above … so I’ll just say that the actual comic is mildly funny because the statement by Trump is said by him and other so often that it’s not classified. As for the AOC line of discussion, if it is correct that “the House Ethics Manual states that a “spouse” listed in disclosure forms must be someone to whom a member is “legally married.” Under the ethics rules, AOC would have been expected to disclose Roberts’ financial information” then there’s no need for her fiance to disclose tax documents. Many people with a live-in partner refer to that person as a spouse. Perhaps she was trying to be clear about an established relationship? Whatever the situation, I’m sure she is not falsifying documents. As an observant Canadian, I’m sorry to see the U.S. political divide and the animosity (a gentle word for the vicious situation you seem to be in). Anyone attacking my comment, be aware I won’t be reading them. I almost never do.

  5. over 1 year ago on Family Tree

    I try not to read the comments, but my eyes slipped down today. Why did KHS have to mention “woke” and spoil the simple humour of the comic, which is 10 or so years old? O.k. now people … my prediction is that everyone else will comment on “woke” or get after me (I won’t look) … instead of commenting on the importance of good personal interactions in a new environment.

  6. over 1 year ago on Francis

    Autumn olive: Elaeagnus umbellataRussian olive: Eleagnus angustifoliaNo time for other comment … will leave to anyone who wants to to look these up. The E.umbellata is the one the foraging groups get excited about because of their fruit. Best regards.

  7. almost 2 years ago on On A Claire Day

    IF there is a commission for salespersons in Claire’s store, then she’s the one who doesn’t know how lucky she is. I suppose that is the point? Not sure how things work in the U.S., but in Canada retail clerks don’t get commissions.

  8. almost 2 years ago on Clay Jones

    I get the joke parts … the sign on the desk and the get one free … but a note to Clay Jones: you are not helping a woman’s right to choose her own health care by depicting a woman who is in an advanced state of pregnancy. The vast majority of abortions are done in the first trimester, and certainly as early in that trimester as a woman is able to arrange. I’m a Canadian woman, in my 60s, and know what women have been through getting changes to abortion legislation here and in the U.S. This image can really backfire. Best regards, M.

  9. over 2 years ago on Ben

    This is a most wonderful, informative story … sad and gently told (to a three year old). I went looking for some info about Daniel Shelton and this strip. It is a reprint of a story he wrote in 2001 in response to the 9/11 bombings. In its last strip you’ll notice there are only two grandchildren of Ben’s 4 in an airport scene … giving a bit of info about the strip’s characters “aging” line. Thanks to Shelton for the story and the thought at the end. We need it right now. http://www.bencomicstrip.com/japanese-internment-camp/

  10. almost 3 years ago on Mike Luckovich

    The striking thing about this comic is that Lukovich was able to soften Trump and have his expression be one of fondness as he looks at the screen … showing that the artist’s imagination reaches far beyond the reality of the subject. I mean this comment as a compliment to Lukovich. Best regards for the New Year.