My gas stove has electric start, but I can still use a match to light it. And, we just got our gas fireplace retrofitted so that it doesn’t need the electric start, so at least one room in the house will be warm in the case of a power outage.
I roast red cabbage with olive oil in my cast iron Dutch oven. It comes out incredibly sweet and tender. And so healthy! Imo, boiled cabbage is an abomination. All the flavor leached out, it’s like chewing on wet, soggy cardboard.
I use dryer balls, and you would not believe where they end up! Inside sleeves, inside fitted sheets, inside jeans, etc. Still better than those stinky perfumed dryer sheets!
I used to play Lady of Spain on my accordion. I eventually realized it was the only decent song for the accordion and I should just give up trying anything else. The only person who has ever made an accordion sound fun was Weird Al Yankovic.
My Samurai Siamese liked to sleep under the covers with his head on my pillow and my arm wrapped around him. He had a deep throaty purr that could put anyone to sleep!
My gas stove has electric start, but I can still use a match to light it. And, we just got our gas fireplace retrofitted so that it doesn’t need the electric start, so at least one room in the house will be warm in the case of a power outage.