Again, a majority of voters told Congress just last month that the era of business as usual has to end. If they must have CRs because they refuse to do a budget, then it should be a “continuance” of existing spending, not an increase of pork projects.
Anyone, including a billionaire, can weigh in on this CR, and guess what? Congress is supposed to serve us. A majority of voters told Congress just last month that business-as-usual is over. We all get a say (even billionaires), not just “elected” officials. They work for us, we don’t work for them. They don’t get to dictate.
Nobody said anything about slashing the budget right now. We can plan to reduce spending now or we can wait for an abrupt halt to spending when our country implodes because of our excessive spending. The abrupt halt will result in a Greater Depression for the world and be more difficult for our citizenry. Which do you think is the more responsible position?
Wait, you think CNN has lost a very large portion of its viewers and all of its creditibilty because its biased reporting isn’t motivated by blind hatred?
Well, SOMEBODY has to act Presidential, since Joe has quietly quit.