Well said. Coming from a Florida resident. Plus, what are we supposed to do? Leave coastal America uninhabited? We know the risks and we put up with them because we love the place. And, of course, there are a lot of people who couldn’t afford to move if they wanted to.
About 400 people die in blizzards every year in the U.S. Best guess as of my writing this is 268 from Helene and Milton in the U.S. so far. None of these are good numbers.
Living differently doesn’t necessarily mean less advanced and definitely doesn’t have to mean “stone age.” For instance, European settlers laughed at native Americans for chewing willow bark to relieve pain. It wasn’t until 1897 that Europeans figured out that salicyn (the main ingredient that dulls pain in willow bark) can actually be isolated and used to make aspirin.
It’s funny. I complain about having to drive 45 minutes to the beach. On the other hand, a 5 hour drive can get me to Miami, Charleston, Atlanta, or Pensacola which doesn’t seem too bad. All in the perspective, I guess.
I highly approve.