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  1. about 3 years ago on Doonesbury

    It seems nearly all of the commenters here agree with Mr. Trudeau’s Doonesbury cartoon;that the world should rejoice when Trump dies. It goes to show the left are the true haters, but have the audacity to call Trump and his supporters the haters.

    President Trump will have the last laugh as I am positive that 100 years from now he will be considered one of our greatest presidents and one of the world’s greatest leaders.

    As to how our current president will be remembered, I believe his legacy be on par with his son Hunter Biden; to wit a disgrace.

    Commander Wayne L. Johnson, JAGC, Navy (Retired)Alexandria, VA

  2. about 3 years ago on Doonesbury

    Not only was this comic strip disrespectful and hateful, the hundred plus readers’ comments in agreement on this web site are equally distasteful. One hundred years from now, presuming our country still exists, Trump will be considered one our greatest presidents as well as one of the modern world’s greatest leaders.

    Those who delight in the future death of another person have no shame. I am sure that when President Trump passes there will be millions who will mourn his passing and there will also be “mostly peaceful” protests too.

    For those who wonder who I am, see my bio to this site.

    Commander Wayne L. Johnson, JAGC, Navy (Retired)Alexandria, VA