Glory   sam 2

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Recent Comments

  1. 2 days ago on Mike Luckovich

    Luckovich is as much of a sleaze as ever! If you don’t like it, it must be crooked. The Journal Constitution has sunk into delusional leftist muck!

  2. 2 days ago on Jeff Danziger

    I can’t believe that anyone is deluded enough to vote for Biden! The DNC speaks.

  3. 2 days ago on Jeff Danziger

    Let’s take the emphasis off of Biden’s disaster. Trump was horrible, but Biden demonstrated why he should not be or never have been President.

  4. 3 days ago on Steve Breen

    Trump and Biden are both big time losers. But the left won’t look at the many failings of Biden and only goes after Trump. No wonder things are in a messed when half the country won’t recognize how weak and inept our current POTUS is!

  5. 4 days ago on Nick Anderson

    Another leftist circle j*rk! Lyin’ Biden and the facts is ludicrous

  6. 5 days ago on Frank and Ernest

    What a discussing and inappropriate comment. The fact that the Supreme Court follows the Constitution brings them up for ridicule from the left. The left misses the Warren court spinning their decisions from whole cloth.

  7. 11 days ago on Jeff Danziger

    From what, a strong economy??

  8. 17 days ago on ViewsEurope

    Another large helping of DNC b.s. Why can’t you just not like Trump and not pass out leftist contrived cr@p? It only helps Trump in the long run.

  9. 17 days ago on Henry Payne

    Let’s just ignore that is exactly what the leftist “intelligence” community did with respect to Hunter’s laptop. The woke like to roll in their arrogance!

  10. 25 days ago on Lisa Benson

    Trump “may” not be the answer, but we “know” that Biden is not the answer. Why are illegitimate trials under Trump any worse that illegitimate trials under Biden? Trump may be a sleaze, but he hasn’t done the damage to this country that Biden has.