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  1. about 1 month ago on Luann

    So, when is Luann going to realize she could be a successful children’s author?

  2. about 1 month ago on Heart of the City

    Ah yes, we all know the reason Trevor watched “Evangelion”, for “that scene” in EoE.

  3. about 1 month ago on Luann

    Yes, Bern the stereotypical psych major: trying to find herself as a codependent muse to a guy not into her, can’t empathize and manage playtime with kids, pays ridiculous amounts for coffee to imply self worth through disposable status symbols, yet thinks she’s a genius at telling other people how to be happy, healthy, fully functioning human beings.

    How close is Moony Uni to Lewis & Clark? I swear, if Bern is anything like them, Shannon will be teaching her Econ 101 by singing along to “Scrooge McDuck and Money”.

  4. about 1 month ago on Luann

    It’s time Luann do the smart thing a lot of us realize in retrospect is the smarter play:

    1) Get a full-time day job, such as entry-level X-Ray tech at an aerospace titanium casting plant, CNC operator, Customer Service Rep, etc, that pays a good $20-$25 an hour.

    2) Attend online/blended classes at night to earn her Associates in Science degree, which is far easier to transfer to a 4 year university to just wrap up the 2 years of the major she eventually decides on (if she wants to do that after some real-world experience).

    3) Study and take the exams for a couple $500 entry-level professional certifications (Lean Six Sigma, Scrum, Netsuite, MS Azure, etc) so she has some valuable job skills to land her something that will let her split rent with Bernice on their own place, where she’ll be making $75-$85k before Bernice even graduates, and then she’ll have a better perspective of what she wants.

    Of course, the obvious answer is to talk with Brad and Toni about her options.

  5. about 1 month ago on Luann

    I was fully expecting the “Luann” chant to transition into Mrs Horner stirring Luann awake after she dozed off from the ocarina.

    Now… the only way it becomes better is if Luann talks to Brad and Toni about it, and gets some EMT advice.

  6. about 2 months ago on Luann

    Or a volunteer EMT. I have a friend and his wife who are certified volunteer EMTs and firefighters. When they’re not working in an office in finance or the state employment department, they’re driving ladder trucks, putting in picc lines, and one of them is trained in arson investigation.

  7. about 2 months ago on Heart of the City

    The only reason a city punishes and restricts good citizens from doing the right thing is due to special interests and trying to hide their incompetence mishandling tax dollars.

    I’d love to see one of those “Problem Solvers” local news stories explaining a bunch of preteen kids with less than $50 worth of hardware store available asphalt mix were able to solve what a bunch of overweight, overpaid union contractors can’t solve.

  8. 5 months ago on Luann

    I’ve said it before, Bets & Gun could make an awesome cosplay prop store as a start up business. The trick that Bets & Gun need to realize is how to take their passions, and express them in a healthy way that fulfills a vital human need.

    Doing the cosplay prop shop, making products for others to enjoy the cosplay lifestyle, is one of those options, “Van Life” is incredibly taxing on the human mind and body, despite how cost effective it is.

    But I’m also wondering why doesn’t Gun find a gig that pays enough to afford his own place, pull “An Officer and a Gentleman”, and simply tell his folks “Bets and I are moving out to our own place, doing our own thing!”?

    It’s tough, but stepping up and being a man is hard. Otherwise, everyone could do it.

  9. 7 months ago on Luann

    Luann just needs to ditch most of the people she knows. Bernice, Gunther, Ox, there’s really no one else she should bother with.