I know Muslim women, called Sabrina, Maria, Maya, Silia….etc
In Muslim countries it is acceptable if you are a Muslim and you name your daughter a European name but if you name your son a European name people would ask you what is your religion? and you would be criticized and seen as Westernized.
Men should impress women without putting other men down.
I’ve noticed that men often tease or make fun of other men when women are around, but in all-male spaces, they tend to show more respect toward other men though gyms might be an exception.
How about women waiting for their husbands in the dressing room? do women find it as embarrassing as men waiting for their wives in the dressing room?.
I met some of women with these names in real life.
Marina is a European name it is derived from the word for sea and Maya exist in many languages.
Nope Sabrina is a Celtic name, there is no a feminine form of Sabri because Sabri don’t have any gendered suffixes.
I didn’t mean to attack Muslim cultures, in fact Islam doesn’t support this, it is a phenomenon in Muslim cultures.