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  1. almost 3 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Reminds me of a country right on our border, Viet Nam. We bombed and killed a million or so and then used agent orange on their trees and crops. Oh wait, which country was on our border, Korea. We divided that in two, then carpet bombed all their cities. But at least we were always in the right! Russians have no business messing with a country so far away from their borders and just killing their own Russian people. They were Ukranians after all.

  2. almost 3 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Hmmm. It seems we have forgotten how oten our beloved Washington has been the foreign invader bombing homes worldwide. And few of those countries we bombed were even on our border or any threat at all to us! Vietnam, Korea, Mexico (invaded to get one man), Iraq (on false premises and w/o apology afterward and keeping troops there even until now), Lebanon, Syria, Libya (we came, we saw, he died by our Att Gen) and a few more as well. Our troops have a vast and lengthy history of bombing civilians and even using drones to kill wedding parties and funerals in the middle east. Kennedy cajoled and likely threatened The Soviets for putting missles in Cuba (an independent country off our border) because it was a threat to us. I believe hypocrits is too mild a word for the US of A’s military. Ukraine is not a border state to anyone here. It was taken over by an illegal coup with our state departments help and turned into a Nato campgrounds. What is it about sticking our noses and our military into other people’s business that Washington warned us about?

  3. almost 3 years ago on B.C.

    perceptive toon. Thank you.