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tlkittycat47 Free

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  1. over 2 years ago on Pickles

    I once walked up to an ATM right after someone and it was asking if I wanted another transaction. The previous person had left their card in the machine. Luckily, it was in a cafeteria so the previous person hadn’t gotten too far so I was able to give it back to her.I also more than once found someone’s credit/debit card next to my car as I got out. I returned one to the nearby bank it belonged to and the credit card to an employee of the store it was from.I once found someone’s wallet at the train station. There was no guard nearby so I drove to the next station where there was a police officer and gave it to him.I also had my debit card returned to me and I didn’t even know I had lost it. I must have dropped it in a parking lot and the person who found it returned it to my bank who in turn mailed it to me.

  2. over 2 years ago on Pickles

    Whenever my mom drops some food on the floor, she calls her dogs. When I do it, I call my cats.

  3. almost 3 years ago on JumpStart

    Can I hire her? Having a heck of a time with my son’s 9th grade math.

  4. almost 3 years ago on Pickles

    I once put my purse down to help my daughter tie her shoe and forgot to pick it up. I realized when I went to pay for my groceries. I asked a customer service and no one had turned it in. I went home and put a freeze on my cards. I called the store an hour later and still no one had turned it in so I cancelled all my cards and ordered new ones and got a new driver’s license. About a week later, I got a phone call from a post office 14 miles away. They had my purse. I drove there and got it and everything was there. I have no idea how it got out there since I do not live out there and had not be in the area when I lost it.

  5. almost 3 years ago on Baby Blues

    Depends on the occasion and if I asked for it.