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  1. over 1 year ago on Drew Sheneman

    “Expensive” doesn’t even begin to describe it.

  2. over 1 year ago on Drew Sheneman

    A page of comic strips is hardly Facebook, Instagram or Tic-Toc with algorithms that promote insecurity and hatred.

  3. almost 2 years ago on Jeff Danziger

    Does Danzinger really not understand that our problem is under taxation of the wealthy and corporations and misplaced overspending on the military and SUBSIDIES to the most profitable companies on the planet, the oil & gas companies? (I thought political cartoonists were supposed to be educated on the issues.) Not raising the ‘debt ceiling’ to fix that issue is like saying NOT paying your credit card will suddenly make you ‘fiscally responsible.’ Republicans raise the debt ceiling when they are in power REPEATEDLY without a care in the world. They are, like always, MASSIVE HYPOCRITES. The raised it THREE times under Trump to cover his giveaway to the top 1%.

  4. almost 2 years ago on Matt Wuerker

    “Well regulated” is obviously crucial to the ownership of deadly power according to the 2nd amendment. Since we now HAVE standing armies we don’t even need militias and thus don’t need private guns. I’m all for an amendment cancelling the 2nd since it’s been so badly misinterpreted. Responsible gun owners put have NO PRESSURE on the NRA for the past 40 years. The NRA is is now just a lobbying group for gun merchants profiting off the sale of deadly force which is “cool” to own until someone kills you or someone you love in a public place just because it’s SO EASY to do when someone gets angry. Yeah… go ahead and support mass murder you insane gun nuts. No founding father would think that’s a good thing. They were RATIONAL people. Freedom means being safe, not being able to do any d*mn thing you want.

  5. almost 2 years ago on Mike Luckovich

    He did take government documents he wasn’t entitled to keep. That seems to fit the definition of stealing to me. The man has absolutely no ethics whatsoever. He is a full on sociopath.

  6. about 2 years ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    Yes, let’s IGNORE the ACTUAL corruption of an ACTUAL president (Trump) and all HIS children & in-laws who were actually IN the White House to focus on the son of a senator who was NEVER in the White House and never near any levers of power. The hypocrisy is just staggering. Yes, vote Republican because our last administration only had 172 criminal indictments against it and Biden has 0. Obama had zero. Bannon was only released from prison by Trump, not because of justice but because Trump abused his pardon power for a buddy. But, tell me more about how honest and respectable conservatives! Why should we trust you with ANY power ever? All the right ever has done is point their finger and claim to be righteous despite so much evidence to the contrary. They just believe their own lie now, again, despite massive overwhelming evidence of the worst kinds of fraud, corruption, and even violence. Trump’s family stole from a children’s cancer charity for God’s sakes! Those are the people you want leading because they have decency and honesty?

  7. about 2 years ago on Gary Varvel

    The deficit is down, unemployment is down, the price of insulin is down (despite the right voting against all those things) so exactly how are things so bad as America to represented by a burning van? Maybe maniac conservatives would prefer to keep violently attacking their own capital? THAT is your idea of a healthy America? We are so sick of right wing LIES!

  8. about 2 years ago on FoxTrot

    It’s about teenage girls using ‘filters’ (digital enhancements) on their Instagram (or other social media apps) to look prettier. You probably get it now but to overexplain …. (I’m a teacher.. it’s what we do) She’s using a BUNCH of filters to look prettier but saying technically she’s not using “a” (just one) filter which sounds like a trick a lawyer would use.

  9. over 4 years ago on Bob Gorrell

    Like both parties are equally at fault??? If the senate had even given Garland a hearing… but he didn’t even get that.

  10. over 4 years ago on Steve Breen

    Great panel! This should be on the firehouse wall.