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  1. almost 3 years ago on Prickly City

    People whine, bitch, complain, and whine some more … then just keep on voting Republocrat. All the while grumbling about having to choose between evils. Well, everyone should know by now: Voting for an alleged lesser evil still results in evil.

  2. almost 3 years ago on Prickly City

    Which, by the way, is why so many of us Libertarians became deputy registrars!

  3. almost 3 years ago on Prickly City

    Believe it or not, y’all, when our Libertarian Party was new and we were encouraging freedom-lovers to register Libertarian, at least in Los Angeles County, the deputy registrars often wrote “Libertarian” as “Librarian”! Michael F.S.W. Morrison

  4. almost 3 years ago on Prickly City

    MY first computer really WAS portable. Even I could lift and carry it — with one hand! It was the Kaypro, with a tiny screen, and it needed two floppy disks to work. The printer was a modified Selectric typewriter (which I can’t imagine anyone carrying with the computer), the one with a daisy wheel. The Kaypro was the one preferred by many a writer, and could even be modified to operate an entire newspaper! Mostly weeklies, as I recall. Kaypro ran magazine ads showing one man on his way to a meeting and carrying his briefcase; next to him, on his way to that same meeting, was a man carrying his Kaypro! Michael F.S.W. Morrison

  5. almost 3 years ago on Prickly City

    Another straw man. You statists and collectivists seem never able to mount rational and honest arguments. Of course that’s because your opposition to human rights and individual liberty is not rational. Most of us who oppose It Really Steals, and will be much happier when it does disappear, do so because we do support human rights and individual liberty. We believe in, no matter the source, “Thou shalt not steal.” (Also, another one you apparently dislike, “Thou shalt not covet.”) We believe the working and producing people deserve to keep the fruits of their labor.Michael F.S.W. Morrison

  6. almost 3 years ago on Prickly City

    Straw man argument, ajr. Rational people don’t want those agencies even to exist. Why would you, or anyone, think a government can run your life better than you can?Worse, why would you, or anyone, want government to run everyone’s life?Michael F.S.W. Morrison