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What a load of shit. Anyone who was involved should be exiled, even if it did take a thousand.
Simple answer, they’re all cannibals, let God sort em out! It you recorded Mavis’s confession then you’re golden.
A newspaper that does nothing but regurgitate the point of view of mainstream sources has lost all credibility.
Since when is Antifa anti-communist? Half of them are communists.
It’s fairly obvious that this comic is trying to make a political statement.
Not true, we already met a crab, worm, and fish in Endtown (though they were more cartoony than this).
Why would the Topsider leaders let it be known that you could get out of those suits anytime you want by just falling asleep?
An homage to Fritz the Cat, eh?
“Americans”, most likely.
What a load of shit. Anyone who was involved should be exiled, even if it did take a thousand.