
Sweettoonz Free

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  1. 4 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    It’s currently (14:47 22/1) 23 degrees Celsius in Wellington, NZ – it feels like our first proper week of summer. Hoping that everyone currently experiencing winter is managing to stay warm, dry and safe.

  2. 4 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    The perfect guide, though I did hear she got Lost in a Good Book :-D

  3. 3 months ago on Texts From Mittens

    Sadly – this was a little how my great-grandmother perceived time in the last year or so of her life – every time she woke up, even if she had just had a nap, it was a new day. So she complained that no-one had visited her for Easter, and my father had to gently point out that it was still only February…

  4. 3 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    If you want a fun (and sobering) demonstration of what could have happened on November 5th 1605, then go to YouTube and search for Richard Hammond and Gunpowder Plot. It’s about an hour long, and in it, they recreate the UK Houses of Parliament, as it would have been at the time (not the Gothic version we have now), along with the Jacobean gunpowder in the quantities that we know Guy Fawkes used. Then they blow it up…

  5. 5 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    @azkfwecho – you asked “I don’t think she sells anything through her Patreon page (does she?)” The “selling” doesn’t have to be anything physical – Patreon creators are selling subscriptions to their content. Some folks have basic stuff available for free, but the monthly / annual payment you make is a subscription that you have bought, and it looks like this is what Apple wants to take 30% of.

    Pedantic note – I know it’s not you that raised the word, but I’m picky and also too lazy to create a separate comment :-) This isn’t a form of Usury – “Usury” is when you loan money at insanely high interest rates – think loan sharks. This is just sheer highway robbery and trying to make an unfair cut out of other people’s work.

  6. 11 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    Basil is interested in pretty much everything that we have (he tried to get Parma Violets and chilli flavoured tortilla chips off me the other night…).

    The best one was when we had a whole group of people round for a party, and Basil was on top of his cat tower, enjoying the fuss being made of him (he is a total tart…). One of my friends asked (whilst I was turned away) whether Basil was allowed prawn crackers. I said ‘no, we’d rather not’, and turned back to see Basil demolishing one and being fed a second one…

    Cue a very fast Google as to whether prawn crackers are poisonous to cats (answer no, but the sodium/oil is not particularly healthy), and I now have to manage Basil begging for prawn crackers every time we have them! Friend did apologise afterwards…

    This year, I did learn how to cook up the turkey gizzards for him, which he loved, so I’ll do that again. (baked, and then cut up small, with only a little bit fed at a time)

  7. 11 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    Wow – thank you all for your comments and good wishes! It’s scary but so exciting, and I feel like a major weight has lifted from me :-) And there will always be doughnuts :-D

  8. 11 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    This is a strip that really spoke to me – I’ve had an “I don’t want to be an ‘X’” feeling for a long time, and after five months of prep work, I launched my own business on Monday; similar field but doing the things I love about my profession, and not doing the elements that really got me down.

    If I ever worry about whether I made the right choice in shifting from a career path that was incredibly stable and secure to one where I still don’t know whether anyone will actually want to pay me, I will remember to always wear the donut!

  9. about 1 year ago on Breaking Cat News

    {{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}} It sounds like you have had a horrendous set of highs and lows – keeping everything crossed for Dr. Steve being able to pull a rabbit out of the hat and get the meds to you as soon as possible.

  10. about 1 year ago on Breaking Cat News

    Basil goes nuts for cheese – he used to be fine, and then became lactose intolerant, with exactly the reaction from the cartoon…. Sadly, he doesn’t understand why we don’t give him the leftovers from grating any more. (I became lactose intolerant this year, so now understand his frustration!).