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  1. 3 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    In 1885 (I think) Washington’s Birthday was established as a holiday called President’s Day but it was really for Washington, our first great President. For the rest, see Marilynn Byerly’s post for the combining of Lincoln’s birthday into one holiday, also called President’s Day.

  2. 4 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    You should check out the musical of Phantom of the Opera. Beautiful music.

  3. 8 days ago on Baldo

    Reminds me of a sign by the clock in a classroom “Time will pass. Will you?”

  4. 8 days ago on Arlo and Janis

    A good cat is a cat kept indoors. All cats are hunters by nature. Therefore they need to be indoors with plenty of toys to “hunt”. Also, indoor cats live much longer than outdoor cats.

  5. 8 days ago on Arlo and Janis

    It’s sad so many believe that story about Ike hating cats when absolutely no source is given for it. Anyone can post anything and you need to check the source before believing anything you read online.

  6. 10 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Sending thoughts and purrs for a good outcome.

  7. 11 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    OT from Georgia: “Happy 2am, folks! I’m glad so many readers enjoyed and related to this week’s series of strips about favorite weird hyperfocuses and exploring Internet rabbit holes at 2am. I grew up listening to my Nana Dee Dee and Mom (now the Nana) discussing the details of the Lizzie Borden murder together, sometimes with my uncles. In 5th grade, Mom brought me to the original Lizzie Borden museum (before it was in the house), and I loved it. I bought a sweatshirt and wore it for years. Later in high school, I splattered it with red paint and a smeared red hand print sliding down the back and wore it to school I fondly remember our vice principal Dr. V. reluctantly pulling me aside and saying with an exhausted sigh, “Miss Dunn, I can appreciate the creativity here and you’ve done a good job, it certainly looks chilling… but you understand why you can’t wear this shirt to school ever again, right?” I agreed to turn it inside out and it stayed home after that. But hey—I’m grateful he at least cushioned it with understanding the artistic aspect. (…Did I mention myself and Trevor’s Woman were the goth kids in our high school? ) The shirt has sadly been lost to time, but I still fondly remember the trip to the museum and still read up on the case whenever a new angle is proposed! The Everest Mummies are another favorite subject, introduced to me by Trevor’s Woman. And the Carrington Event, which I can’t believe we don’t all hear about (and think about!) more!Do you have a favorite strange fact or story you enjoy learning about? Is there a historical happening you keep going back to? What weird thing do you love? Did you hear they may have finally solved the Jack the Ripper case this week??Well, I’m off to read up on the Collyer brothers! Happy research hour, everyone!”

  8. 13 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    What??? Are you saying you don’t hold lengthy conversations with your cats?

  9. 14 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I am so sorry for your loss. It will be a great comfort for you to know you were with him.

  10. 14 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    The implications of the Carrington Event are nightmarish. The frozen mummies of Everest are of people who chose to hike there. The Carrington E. affected the entire earth but could only damage telegraphs. If it happens today, it could wipe out the power grid — and that’s the stuff of nightmares!