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It’s officially spring when I start seeing bug splats on my helmet visor.
Hard to be miserable when around someone nice…Oh wait, I never had a problem doing that, never mind.
…in the eggnog.
Gee, a cartoon about Comic Books, what a concept.
Brain Sprain is not a minor aliment, it can lead to a total suspension of belief, don’t tell him about Aunt Jemima and Betty Crocker, it could send him over the edge.
Playing video games is my disability, ask my kids. At least I never had to LET them win.
Thanks for that, not a Cryin’ N Whining fan so didn’t get the reference.
Loved the song, just couldn’t remember the lyrics.
Been there, done that, no room for the t-shirt.
Absolutely. Can’t count the times cleaning contacts and connecters fixed problems, Aircraft and vehicles.
It’s officially spring when I start seeing bug splats on my helmet visor.