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Did you happen to hear “Composer’s Datebook” for today?
You can read it at Arcamax.
I feel like I’m missing something here Jeffrey. Could you provide some explanation?
Google “Poe toaster”
Time was when literate soldiers were rare /
European class system far from fair /
Press gangs rounded up cannon fodder /
Noble officers even odder /
Merit based rank Bonaparte would declare.
“Every French soldier carries a Marshal’s baton in his knapsack.”
Also lower risk of getting pickpocketed.
Thank Wikipedia, where anyone can become an expert for as long as attention span and short term memory will allow.
Debussy’s “Prelude” intones a calm mood /
Such a setting would likely be more crude /
When it comes to raging hormones /
Fauns do indeed of it make bones /
When upon dancing nymphs their eyes are glued.
Nymphs made the playoffs as a wild card /
Defenders covered every route hard /
During a mad scramble for the ball /
Interference the refs did not call /
Downfield was ineligible guard.