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Great gift Marigold! JK, an enter-name-here card would be way better.A rock! REALLY?
It must be one of Phoebe’s friends. sorry to be a party pooper.
Viva Legion of Weirdos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That’s literally a fact!
Marigold is not funny.
OMG! Such a surprise! Marigold likes cake! But we’re double safe, we can’t even SEE the cake!
Phoebe and her Unicorn, meet SAM and HER unicorn!By the way, this has turned from Phoebe’s birthday to Phoebe being cool.
Phoebe and her Unicorn, meet SAM and HER unicorn!
Is it just me, or is Phoebe feeling cool right after Dakota said what it was?
Phoebe was jealous earlier too about Dakota’s happiness.Lol.
Great gift Marigold! JK, an enter-name-here card would be way better.A rock! REALLY?