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  1. over 14 years ago on Jeff Danziger

    Liberals hate Palin because she reminds them of how stupid most of this country is and liberals want to believe that people are basically good. She and her followers expose the weakness in representative democracy (most people are too lazy to think critically and can thus be swayed by a toolshed like Palin who has not the slightest understanding of civics) and makes liberals want to disenfranchise those people so droolingly thick they believe a word she says. So they shoot their disappointment with their own theories back onto her.

  2. almost 15 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    This cartoon is as much about Limbaugh as it is about the barbaric custom of the NFL draft, whose resemblance to a slave auction is more than skin deep. And sorry Baldwin, the “rank & file” Republicans are racist. If they weren’t, the Southern Strategy would have never worked and would not be alive and well today. For the last 30 years the explicit GOP electoral strategy has depended on their base being racist. Limbaugh may not be a racist, but his years-long, consistent impression of one is impeccable. At the very least, he talks like one and addresses listeners who couldn’t make sense of what he’s saying unless they were racist themselves. I expect to be flamed for this, but just bear in mind as you prepare your withering rebuttal stuffed excuses for Rush and with assumptions about what side of the aisle I fall on: reporting the facts does not make me a liberal or a conservative. Indeed, attacking someone as a liberal when they report the facts is the surest way to discredit conservatives. If conservatives are to be taken seriously, they should express disgust over Limbaugh, not over either the accurate portrayal of his position or his portrayal by a cartoonist.

  3. almost 15 years ago on Stuart Carlson

    Hey IrishEddie - Obama has no socialist plans. Look up the word socialist. And being responsible does include single-payer health care because it means being responsible to other people. Conservatives like to imagine that there is something called “free enterprise.” In the words of that immortal song, freedom isn’t free. While the government is getting off your back, I guess you’ll be happy to drive without roads, to live without police and firemen, and to have the only regulation apply to individuals seeking recourse from exploitation by corporations. You, my dear, are the hypocrite. Or maybe you simply don’t understand how governments work.

    And before you go all strict constructionist on us, don’t forget, the Constitution also endorsed slavery.

    You may regret that times have changed, but they have.

  4. almost 15 years ago on Jeff Danziger

    ANandy (“race pimps”) is a nice little racist, ain’t he?

  5. about 15 years ago on Ted Rall

    Thank god we bailed out the banks. I mean, if we hadn’t, the bankers wouldn’t be rich. Just think!

  6. about 15 years ago on Ted Rall

    Yeah, tjdestry, I think this is a poor way to go after the work of the Predator operators. A bad misfire on Rall’s part.

  7. over 15 years ago on Jeff Danziger

    Yes, by hewing so closely to the original, Danziger replicates the infantilization of the woman. In this case, it plays into the hands of the anti-gay hysterics who equate homosexuality with pedophilia. I certainly hope this wasn’t Danziger’s intention!