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Recent Comments

  1. over 4 years ago on Tom Toles

    Yes, I wonder how many of us are old enough to recognize it …

  2. over 4 years ago on Tom Toles

    Don’t miss the Walt Kelly reference.

  3. about 8 years ago on Jeff Danziger

    Mark Twain never said that. Ironically, it’s a fake quote invented by the Canadian poet John Robert Colombo in 1970.

  4. almost 15 years ago on Ziggy

    NoBrandName said “How do you test placebos for their effectiveness? If placebos are your test group, what do you use in the control group, a different kind of placebo?”

    The control group takes nothing at all. The whole point of testing a placebo is to determine whether it works better than nothing. You are testing the psychological component of the treatment. With normal drug trials, you are testing the drug itself, so you test it against a placebo to control for the psychological effect of treatment (Hawthorne effect).