Raelyn Chen's Profile

Raelyn Chen Free
I am the original creator of a used-to-be daily comic strip called "Theodug" and now, I am currently working on a pretty popular comic strip called "Tobin and Lukas". Bad enough/already, you sadly cannot find my comic strips here, but sure enough, you can find them on Comics Kingdom, and you can still have a great taste for Tobin and Lukas! Furthermore, I, in the future, will put up a comic contest. When, you ask? When it finally hits August 10th, 2022, I will finally put up the contest for all ages, yes, that means kids, too. And why did I go to GoComics?Because I will have a great time using this web, such as looking for Calvin and Hobbes and especially The Grizwells! I will not be very active, but I do have a second account called Zeroes, and I will be very active on that account. Please enojoy such on Comics Kingdom..!
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