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OutOfHere Free

Too much hatred in the good old USA lately. Time to take a rest and let others fight the battle for freedom and the constitution.

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  1. 5 months ago on B.C.

    Whatever happened to free speech? I guess you feel that if YOU do not like something someone says you have the almighty power to censor or ā€˜flagā€™ the person. Even I will not flag a person for comments, no matter how foul, vulgar, or in your face they are. If I do not like what is said, I chose to not read it or comment, unless the post is directed directly at me. Maybe you should just do the same.

  2. 5 months ago on B.C.

    Whoopie dooo. I see that you are being one-sided at the very least in your comments. You fail to take into consideration the name calling and false accusations made by your ā€˜friendā€™ Amra Leo in her posts towards me. If you read all of the posts, you will see that it was He that started the name calling and accusations well before I did. For some reason this has been ongoing since well before this thread. I am through trying to justify myself to people that feel they can walk all over others with impunity. I will give back what I get. Have a nice evening.

  3. 5 months ago on B.C.

    That would be nice, but it appears that no matter what I said in my recent posts, which were not in any ways unacceptable to the general posting guidelines, Amra Leo decided to go on the attack for something that was not even posted here by me. Once I was attacked, I did retaliate. I am not one to back down when I am unjustly accused or defamed for no reason. As for having a post deleted by a moderator, that is possible, but I NEVER said what Amra Leo is accusing me of.

  4. 5 months ago on B.C.

    Now you are the real liar here!!!! I did not delete any post. You need your head examined since you are imagining things. I will say this in your defenseā€¦.your tactics are those of the typical far left radicals. Shifting the blame for all their mistakes onto others who dare to disagree with them. No further comment to you will be made no matter how you try to bait me. Have a great day knowing that you have been caught, and branded, as a liar.

  5. 5 months ago on B.C.

    I asked you to show me where I actually said you did not serve in the Army because you are a low life lefty. You canā€™t because I didnā€™t. But if you want to call yourself that, it is fine with me. Now please go change your depends. They are starting to leak big time. (Oops, my mistake, that was drool coming out of your mouth)

  6. 5 months ago on B.C.

    Pointing the fickled finger of fate at you. ROFLMAO

  7. 5 months ago on B.C.

    Thanks. I had to look it up since I had never heard of them. At the time they were popular, I was in Southeast Asia with too much on my mind to pay attention to what was happening back here (like trying to stay alive). BTW, I am relaxed. Sorry you took my remark wrong.

  8. 5 months ago on Overboard

    Go ahead. I have a ton of old shoes that will take care of the caterwauling in short order.

  9. 5 months ago on One Big Happy

    The ā€œYatesā€ Motel

  10. 5 months ago on B.C.

    Who are you quoting? As for being in two places at once that is possible if you straddle a state line for example, or county line, city line, town line. and the list goes on and on. You can be in a saloon and a restaurant at the same time, a park and a swimming pool at the same time. Why is it even a question?