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  1. 4 months ago on Baby Blues

    Oh, yes. Halloween pranks. The scourge of our nation.

    He’s in from of a house in a well-lit neighborhood, and wearing a pumpkin head. What exactly did she THINK was happening? If this (the pumpkin-head jumpscare) happened to me, I’d get initially scared, but then laugh it off. You know why? Because what Darryl did is the type of thing lots of people do on Halloween. It’s the one night jump scares are socially acceptable (unless the jump scare is used to commit an actual crime, which Darryl didn’t. He didn’t do any crime here).

  2. 4 months ago on Baby Blues

    Are seriously comparing one of the biggest tragedies of human history, one that took thousands of lives from 19 nationalities, to a harmless Halloween prank?!

  3. 5 months ago on Baby Blues

    I think that’s part of the humor.

  4. 5 months ago on Garfield

    Good. Just making sure you really meant “all.”

  5. 5 months ago on Garfield

    Even vegan pepperoni?

  6. 6 months ago on Frazz

    Who returns candy?!?!

  7. 6 months ago on Frazz

    The Jerry Lewis Telethon? You realize how controversial that telethon was, right?

    They displayed kids with MD as if it was a freak show, made jokes at the expense of the disabled, and wouldn’t even acknowledge the many adults with MD. The former “Jerry’s Kids,” when they became adults, would be tossed aside by the Telethon, becoming “Jerry’s Orphans.”

    And Jerry Lewis didn’t help matter when he wrote that insensitive “If I Had Muscular Dystrophy” essay. Basically, the telethon made people fear the disability, rather than understand and sympathize.

    People diss the telethon for a good reason: it was a “poster children” show of inaccuracy and insensitivity; a grossly manipulative and “pick and choose” pity party. The Telethon did not fully or accurately represent the lives of people (especially adults) with muscular dystrophy. They paint not only people with MD, but all disabled people, as pitiable, needing the charity for help or a cure. Watch the Documentary The Kids Are All Right (2005) if you don’t believe me.

  8. 6 months ago on Baby Blues


  9. 6 months ago on Baby Blues

    Impressive! Someone knows their classic hard rock!

  10. 6 months ago on Baby Blues

    ♫ Whoooooooo are you?! Who, who? Who, who? [Twang, twang, twang, noodily, noodily!] Whoooooooo are you?! Who, who? Who, who? (I really wanna know!)