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The Bubbleman Free

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  1. over 2 years ago on AJ and Magnus

    Kids over guns… except not all guns. Even if we successfully remove all guns from all civilians, law-abiding and criminals, the police will still have guns. This ensures that our children will forever be at their mercy. And ultimately, if you distrust the government, why would you expect the small, limited police force to rush to your aid if you’re being robbed or raped? They’re not your bodyguards; they’re a response team.

  2. over 2 years ago on AJ and Magnus

    I was born gay, you were taught religion… and we were all born illiterate and were taught to read. We are all born selfish and have to be taught to cooperate. Natural does not equal morally good, and religious does not equal narrow-minded and hateful.

  3. over 2 years ago on AJ and Magnus

    Black Lives Matter… unless they’re a business owner and happen to have a shop in the vicinity of a mostly peaceful anti-police protest. It’s okay for their life to be ruined; we can still blame the poverty in their community on systemic white supremacy. Everyone knows the way out of poverty is complaining about historical injustices until someone gives you a handout. That’s how the Jewish and Asian communities did it, right?

  4. over 2 years ago on AJ and Magnus

    Protect Trans Youths… from chemical castration and irreversible surgery.

  5. over 2 years ago on AJ and Magnus

    “ABORT Scotus.” Sure. That’s not hatred, just frustration.Total lack of self-awareness.