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mustardjmd Free

Recent Comments

  1. about 5 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    Will hold space for you and your family. I hope the judge sees through the manipulation and decides accordingly.

  2. 4 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Some years ago I went to the annual cat show in St Paul. The only category I was interested in was Household Cats. The judges really seemed to enjoy their duties, and looked for good health, friendliness, playfulness, and the like. One judge said he loved cats with unusual markings and sometimes judged accordingly. I can guarantee that Sophie will not make it past any judge as she is not going to be particularly friendly! I can see her clenching her tiny paws and sending forth some feral yodels.

  3. 4 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I blame auto correct for all of my typos! It can come up with some doozies.

  4. 7 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I bought one for my Gracie when she tore her ACL. She wasn’t supposed to be allowed to jump onto furniture while it healed. HA! Ever try to keep a cat from jumping up on things? Even at 19.5 years she still jumps onto the sofa. I gave up on the soft-sided mesh cage. She hated it. I slept on the floor with her for a few nights.

  5. 18 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Sending hugs and boops and of course best wishes for a successful surgery and recovery!

  6. 25 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    My thought too, @cb8ty

  7. 27 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I did not realize that Sophie is blind in one always thought she had bicolor eyes. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

  8. 28 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    That was one serious collective gasp. That is exactly what I did.

  9. about 1 month ago on Breaking Cat News

    Can any of these people be cloned? If so, please send one to me here in Far North!

  10. about 1 month ago on Breaking Cat News

    I love good news like that. Congratulations all around!