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mustardjmd Free

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  1. about 3 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    I’m so sorry, @efwjso. It is so hard losing our fur babies. Sending you hugs and healing thoughts. She will find many friends from the Orb there, I am sure.

  2. 6 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I’m baffled as to why the minute someone mentions prices, healthcare, the environment, housing (thank you Pucky), everyone jumps on it, shouting “she got all political!! I’m quitting reading the strip!” People, these are things we deal with everyday. Please don’t get your knickers in a knot. These things are quality of life issues for everyone, and ignoring them or crying “foul” will not make them go away. Nor will it solve anything. If we can’t be kind and less judgmental towards each other, then we are all heading down a very unhealthy path. I’m comforted by the fact that the BCN crew has sensed this disturbance in the Force.

  3. 6 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Well said, Georgia. The tech billionaires have zero compassion for anyone underneath them. As the late Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone said, “We all do better when we all do better.”

  4. 8 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Has BCN broken the 4th wall?? Or does this qualify as “meta”? Either way, way to go, Gent!

  5. 9 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    This reminds me a lot of the gatherings of a group of my friends. We’ve attempted to do Star Wars and Doctor Who marathons plus crafting but we always get side-tracked by our conversations. Instead of wings we have many different kinds of cheese along with other assorted goodies. We love cheese.

  6. 11 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I try to be correct in my grammar but who/whom has always been tricky for me. Thank you for the succinct lesson!

  7. 14 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    The temp here in MN is -12 F. With windchill -28. It’s supposed to warm up over the weekend though, so I hope we’ve seen the end of the annual Polar Vortex.

  8. 16 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Up here in the Twin Towns tomorrow’s high is expected to be -3 F, with -20 wind chill. Similar on Tuesday. And I do have many things to do that will take me outside for much of the day: appointments, lunch with colleagues, etc. Brrr

  9. 21 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Le’letha: I’m so sorry you have to deal with this. I’ve been there too. As a lifelong librarian I can tell you there are some dreadful managers out there. One supervisor had a “three strikes, you’re out” method. Luckily my workplace (large metro system) had a union. My best advice is the same as others: document everything, even things she says that aren’t necessarily directed toward you. And please start job searching. I was able to transfer to a different building but that doesn’t sound feasible for you. Your health is far too important to continue in this situation. Sending lots of hugs. Oh! Do other coworkers have similar feelings? Solidarity helps too.

  10. 22 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Sending prayers and good vibes to Lady Bri and David, and Ambush Kitten and Mrs Ambush Kitten. Hoping for the best of all outcomes!