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- 19 days ago on Phoebe and Her Unicorn
about 2 months ago
on Phoebe and Her Unicorn
Anyone who goes to will be taken to Dana Simpson’s webpage.
3 months ago
on Phoebe and Her Unicorn
Now THIS is the best strip I’ve seen in a looooong time.
So deep and ethereal.
This is a whole step up from Dana’s usual work and it looks like they really are stepping into a portal to another world.
I liked November 24ths strip as well.
And yes, the days are starting to feel rushed on me and is simply not safe to be wandering around in the dark, even if only at 5pm.
I had a guy already play a cruel Thanksgiving prank on me by driving his car towards me like he was going to run me over and veering away at the last minute.
This strip shows the amazing progress Dana’s art skills.
the feelings of this picture just capture my soul and take it to another place and I feel pure.
Even if it’s supposed to be a comedy strip more or less.
I’ll also never forget the one where Marigold creates a dark sad and rainy empty space around herself and phoebe and where phoebe calls it the best kind of sad place.
THAT one picture hit me hard in so many ways.
A black, hopeless and rainy empty place is like the lowest, darkest place where people kill themselves because they are in a place with nowhere out and nobody to be there with them.
BUT with a friend like Marigold, there’s nothing too sad or too hopeless to overcome.
and it hits me hard because unicorns have been just what got me out of a dark place or two.
Just the picture of a unicorn lifts my spirit.
Think of how the mere picture of a flower makes you happy and is calming
3 months ago
on Phoebe and Her Unicorn
and what song is this??
4 months ago
on Phoebe and Her Unicorn
And now you’ve learned phoebe, that unicorns can get very irritated with you and they aren’t just animals you can tease. it’s a good thing unicorns are forgiving and gentle creatures and Florence is not just going to bite her.
Do this with a dog, cat or horse and you might not be so lucky.
A unicorn would walk away before biting, kicking or jabbing with their horn
5 months ago
on Phoebe and Her Unicorn
This makes me think of how much fun it would be to see Marigold get fat in some later comics.
Like she starts eating too much of something or another and then she can’t move.
She might have a good self image of herself fat, but you convince her that she is better the other way and she gets over it.
I wonder how fat she would have to be before she loses her sexiness.
5 months ago
on Phoebe and Her Unicorn
Maybe with the unicorn version they jab each other with their horns.
What if it’s like finger fillet but without fingers and with just horns
6 months ago
on Phoebe and Her Unicorn
The whole thing was a bad move and it was a test from the start.
this world wasn’t made by an entirely good power and if you know how to truly see and read what the Bible actually says, you see how God made the world ready to fail.
Who also created the forbidden tree? and why create it if it was so evil, if knowledge was evil.
God said “for when you eat of this forbidden fruit you shall surely die”.
Notice how “when” is a past tense in a sentence.
He knew they would disobey and he knew their failure and he set them into it.
You wouldn’t tell a kid when you do something it will be bad, you warn them not to do it upfront.
really see the evil of the beginning.
Or simply don’t stress about it and just assume that we don’t know for sure how it started and we can’t know and that it’s not worth the time and tears trying to find out.
But let’s realize that no matter if it really happened or not, the Bible was still made to control and own others.
and getting over it has not been invented because people haven’t changed since old testament times.
6 months ago
on Phoebe and Her Unicorn
Neither do wolves
6 months ago
on Phoebe and Her Unicorn
There’s probably not one single time it ever happened that a horse neighed into a fan at a stable.
I used to wonder why fans made me sound so different and it’s amazing Dana knew how to imitate the sound with letters this well.
this hits home, especially now in my life. I miss my 20s. I’m going to be 35 in a week and this is maybe the last possible extension of my youthfulness and even so it’s trying to slow me down. I find myself thinking of all the places I used to live and all the problems that weren’t there in my life that are making it a nightmare nowadays. my mother has declining health conditions, and she is not the same and I have a job which I’m trying not to lose and I’m dealing with old issues from the past that never were fixed and now they’re out of control. my past was very sad, but for some reason it seems so much better than it was when I look at what I have to deal with today. there are so many ways I could have lived it better and achieved more and made every day count.