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Don’t steal a doughnut, Nancy! Remember what happened to Private Pyle!
The re-use of the art from panels 2-4 of yesterday’s comic is superb.
With a soundtrack by Fred Frith!
Mildred’s faint beginning of a smile is subtle, then we SMASH CUT to Nancy dragging her away!
I began laughing uproariously when I saw Nancy climbing through the window!
The ultimate guest cartoonist (other than Bill Griffith) would be Julie Doucet. Unless Julie Doucet is Olivia Jaimes already.
For some unknown reason I began laughing uncontrollably at this comic after glancing at it for only a second.
“Why do you know so much boring stuff?” is probably the most hilarious question I’ve ever heard.
I still have my copy of The First Book of Drabble somewhere!
All these years I’ve mistakenly thought that was a red bow.
Don’t steal a doughnut, Nancy! Remember what happened to Private Pyle!