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  1. over 2 years ago on Marmaduke

    He is Cruel

  2. over 2 years ago on Marmaduke

    Hope everyone had a lovely 9/11! 4432AA Fuzzy apple activate

  3. over 2 years ago on Marmaduke

    Love this, especially all the Q action! Also at 7:37 I seriously thought it was a Coca-Cola delivery truck making a code 3 delivery…until they turned the corner lol. I’m pretty much a total fan of every department that sticks with the almighty Federal Q2B for their apparatus. So much more amazing than resorting to the cheaper, quieter, fake sounding electronic Q emulators that to me sound more like Ponch and Jon’s motorcycle sirens on CHiPs from the ’70s (IMO). Back in the day (50s – early 70s), when the majority of ambulances were built on Cadillac chassis/coach built long wheelbase passenger car based vehicles, they often-times ran Qs also until car-based ambulances were phased out in the mid 70s and most ambulances went full electronic sirens.

    GG no re