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joefriendly Free

40 years videoing leftish lectures in Manhattan, presenting on Public Access CableTV, Monday thru Friday at 10 AM hourly show, Truth For A Change. JD from U Chicago and BSEE from Caltech. On mission to rescue birthday from astrology's archaic premises to realization as the fundamental dimension called phase on the annual sine cycle of solar energy flow to the Temperate Zones. Name legally changed in 1980 from Arthur Myron Rubin to Joseph W. Friendly, per NY Supreme Court order.

Recent Comments

  1. about 5 years ago on Steve Kelley

    Thanks, SayWhatNow, for your comment countering the press roasting Nancy for her righteous outrage. The Emperor might be wearing clothes but he’s totally unfit!

  2. over 5 years ago on Baby Trump

    Her birthday’s the same as Hitler’s, that brainspurs has a crush on too.

  3. over 5 years ago on Jeff Danziger

    The demonization of marijuana by government and media needs remedy: encouraging good highs, people usefully finding their true selves in a culture that has fooled us into accepting degradation, surrender to unworthy authority. There are a variety of ways people respond to pot and for some it is problematic and to be avoided. But that should not prevent those who benefit from turning on.

  4. about 6 years ago on Doonesbury

    Hmmm scalp hair follicle root structure connection to cranium as if thru the skull directly. Turns out the connection of the cortex to hair follicles is grandly misunderstood. It’s not thru the skull but down and around.

    In the womb every region of our developing cortex grows an output conducting nerve fiber that joins up with the other such fibers from various parts of the cortex and together they form into a cable of thousands of fibers that migrates within the skull down along its back to its bottom, and rounds the corner at the skull bottom and climbs up outside the skull and then fans outward with each fiber guided to hook up with a particular hair follicle by dorsal-ventral and left right chemistry at their tips.

    Seems not only the public, but even our scientists are unaware of any of this, like how this explains the criticality of EEG placement on the scalp. How be I the one to know this? A celebrated neuroanatomist, W. Nauta, observed this by studying embryos of various ages, tracking the migrating nerve fiber tips. He explained all this in a lecture at MIT I was lucky enough to attend but he never published. So now you can begin reading minds by watching people scratch their heads!

  5. over 7 years ago on Matt Davies

    Trump and Arpaio have the same birthday, June 14

  6. over 8 years ago on Mike Luckovich

    Our corrupt commercial mainstream media managed to prevent most voters knowing there was a wonderful woman candidate on the ballot, Jill Stein, far better looking than Hillary, who devoted her last 25 years to truth telling, teaching medicine at Harvard. Had she been given a chance to share the debate stage with Hillary, she would have gotten FAR MORE votes, and provided an enduring example of what women have to offer as political leaders.

  7. over 8 years ago on Mike Luckovich

    I’ve wondered how humorists will tie the Donald with McDonalds. Looks a bit like their clown.

  8. over 8 years ago on Lalo Alcaraz

    Fidel was beloved by the vast majority of Cubans. The US has nothing to teach Cuba about democracy. Cuba has a one party system that works, that serves the people, and the US 2-party system is a disaster.

  9. over 8 years ago on Stuart Carlson

    The US blockade of Cuba, economic warfare forbidden by the UN Charter, created the necessity and logic of martial law. Typically dissidents were paid agents of the CIA. That Cuba’s revolution survived the blockade for so many years is to the credit of Fidel. Israel fell to the Romans after only 7 years of a similar blockade about 100 AD.

  10. over 12 years ago on Stuart Carlson

    Yes, preplanned! The offending trailer was created for a movie that did not exist! Romney’s response was so quick it revealed advance knowledge. Stevens was also point man for supplying captured Libyan arms to Syrian “rebels” that were used back on him. We did no favor to the Libyans. Qaddafi was a saint, actually, who the US took out because he opposed the Empire.