Furious dancing

drbethdance Free

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  1. 5 days ago on Nancy

    Someone want to describe the action? The comic is not loading here, and I couldn’t find it on WaPo either.

  2. 5 days ago on Peanuts

    Then there was the “Family Guy” episode where Peter got obsessed with the movie “Roadhouse” and decided that kicking the crap out of everyone who bothered him was the solution. He kicked the crap out of Lucy and told Charlie to kick the ball (to which CB said “Yay!”) and Peter solemnly announced “Roadhouse” after each event.

  3. 6 days ago on Matt Davies

    This past week, a lot of New Jersey Transit trains were running late or stalled due to chaotic problems going and coming from New York Penn Station, including failures involving overhead wires among other issues.

    So, of course, the “not-scientist” commenters on the various articles about this immediately staring bloviating about how it is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE for intense heat to have ANY affect on overhead wires and train lines in general, and it’s Biden’s fault for “not fixing our infrastructure.”

    These being the same folks, who also, of course, insist that the 10 Commandments should be displayed in every classroom while claiming that science they don’t agree with is just “propaganda.”

    Honestly, I weep for our country anymore…

  4. 6 days ago on Heart of the City

    I believe you’re correct.

  5. 6 days ago on Peanuts

    The most PERFECT way Schulz could have ended that particular saga.

  6. 6 days ago on Peanuts

    No. Charles Schulz died the same day as Tom Landry, the famous coach of the Dallas Cowboys. I still have a copy of a political cartoon that came out that day. You see Landry in his dress coat and hat with his hand on Charlie Brown’s (representing Schulz) shoulder, both viewed from the rear. They are walking through the pearly gates, and Landry says, “Now, a few pointers about kicking that football…”

  7. 6 days ago on Speed Bump

    Keep one hand on the wall, like in a maze? But then you’d be too close to the art.

  8. 7 days ago on Bill Bramhall

    How to say “I’m a racist” – in code.

  9. 9 days ago on Edge City

    You are in a great city, and thank you. Stay well.

  10. 10 days ago on Tank McNamara

    I’m as feminist as a woman can be, but speaking truthfully, the WORST bosses I had in my lifetime were women during my medical ed/communications days. More than once the fact that I had a MD to their lower level degree lead to a slew of misery. In one case, I gave up and went elsewhere after it seemed that no matter what I did, my female client disliked me and made my life miserable over even minor things. On my last day, I was stunned when one of the PhD’s in the company on another team came to my office and said, “I want you to know two things: you’re very good at what you do, and you shouldn’t have been given that client. I knew from experience with her that she would NEVER accept another woman with a higher level degree than hers (Bachelor’s degree), and especially not a MD; who in her mind, was telling her what to do. But no-one else liked working with her either, so they brought you in and just hoped it would work out, knowing fully well there was little chance of that. You deserved much better, and I’m sorry you’re leaving – they will miss you when you’re gone.”

    My company colleague was one woman I totally respected for telling it like it was.