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  1. about 15 hours ago on Baby Blues

    Please don’t do this. Don’t put spoilers out. People who want to read the comics in order don’t want or need them. There is no reason for this. Your comment could have been just as prevalent by simply saying “I wish she was pregnant because it’d be weird” without putting the other information in it.

  2. about 16 hours ago on Baby Blues

    XD And that is the reason Wanda is not so sure…

  3. 1 day ago on Baby Blues

    My first crush was Godzilla. I was three XD

  4. 3 days ago on Baby Blues

    My best guess is Wanda’s exercise bands. They’ve made comment on them a few times in the strip before (there is a sunday strip where she is looking for them, and Darryl is watching Zoe and Hammie set them up to try to human slingshot with them), are quite stretchy, and often have handles like that.

  5. 3 days ago on Baby Blues

    To add, opinions change as you get older. When I was in my teens and twenties, I loved camping. Now, I’m older, and the idea of sleeping on the ground makes me think I won’t be able to walk for at least two days, let alone get up without assistance.

  6. 6 days ago on Baby Blues

    As someone with 4 cats, I second what @Batteries said. If your cats are neutered/spayed and you maintain their litter (some cats will not go in an absolutely filthy box, but what person would want to use a filthy bathroom?), your home should not smell like pee.

  7. 10 days ago on Baby Blues

    Panel 1, she’s on the “refreshment committee,” so she’ll be cooking or serving, or possibly both.

  8. 12 days ago on Baby Blues

    At the end of that strip, Zoe got the shovel back out and dug up the cement supports, so it could continue moving and be loose. Apparently she liked the whole set rocking when she swung XD

  9. 17 days ago on Baby Blues

    You’ve heard of the cold shoulder? This was the “icy glare of doom and retribution”, since she is clearly both taking care of the baby and doing laundry while he’s sitting down, watching TV, but wants her to get HIM a (presumed) beer so that he needn’t bother getting up.

    The gist is that she gave him a look so cold that it created literal ice.

  10. 17 days ago on Baby Blues

    Zoe is doing nothing but complain, showing she is full of lots of air, so Wanda is saying there is already an “air bag” in the back seat, so it would be useless (redundant) to have another. A take on an old insult for someone who was full of it or talked a lot, a “wind bag.” @The Glorious Octagon