Correct, only numerals 0,1,2,3,4 and 5 allowed in H.S. basketball. This is so refs can signal scorer’s table by holding up fingers or for 0, a fist, when a player commits a foul. When I was in H.S., players had different numbers, odds and evens, for home and away so that there was only one specific number on the floor at a time. Once again, if one is going to write/illustrate a feature about sports, one should be familiar with the subject or at the very least, heed the advice of the loyal readers. Had the same problem with football when there were no lineman numbers in the offensive huddle.
So Rachel can actually draw people with recognizable human features which means that it’s not a question of talent but effort. Also, does Beth’s shirt say T-girl?
Are you now trolling your own “artist”? The only difference between panels 2 and 3 is the size of the first word balloon. It is however, nice to see some numbers on the jerseys. Only problem is that there are no offensive linemen numbers in the 50s, 60s or 70s. At least the artwork now corresponds to the lack of sports knowledge of the writing.
What’s the deal with the fan in P-2, with the Easter Island head, behind Rod’s left elbow?