Storylines are getting a little heavy for me. Time for Tiffany to hit the showers or discover the wonderful world of bubble baths. I’ll hold (or drop) the towel.
Maybe Greg is going back to younger kids where he is more comfortable than he is with the 19 and 20 year olds. Luann and Bernice in an upscale day care. It would provide the structure that they lost when they graduated from high school.
Next week: Tiffany gets invited to the Folies Bergere in Paris. She will be visiting the theater’s backstage dressing rooms and dance rehearsals. Don’t I wish.
Luann, the strip, has become like a once thriving shopping mall, center of activity that has fallen on hard times, abandoned stores, no longer fun, and ready for the wreaking ball,
Romance for Dummies ending: Luann gets pregnant by a guy whose name is chosen from a Wheel of Fortune spin. They elope, and head for places unknown that doesn’t allow any cartoonists. Pull down the curtain that says, “That’s all folks”, and “Good Night Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are.”
Okay, we have a great romance here. Hospital E.R. waiting rooms at night, snacking on potato chips and nasty coffee from vending machines, maybe even grabbing a hot dog at some gas station on the way home. A bleak future if these two stay together.
First it was Mrs. Horner’s heart/kidney attack, now we’ve got a social worker’s nightmare family. We’re turning into a social service story board. Time to lighten up.
Storylines are getting a little heavy for me. Time for Tiffany to hit the showers or discover the wonderful world of bubble baths. I’ll hold (or drop) the towel.