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not a fool

Recent Comments

  1. about 2 hours ago on Chip Bok

    In the south if you owned 9 or more slaves you didn’t have to get drafted or fight and that cost you no money.

  2. about 2 hours ago on Chip Bok

    Both ’’WERE’’ democrats. Republicans ran the ‘’America First’’ organization that wanted to stop the country preparing in case we were attacked during WWII which almost led to a bigger disaster then Pearl Harbor. Republicans loved Nazi’s and wanted to keep selling scrap metal to the Japan that we got back one bullet at a time.

  3. about 2 hours ago on Robert Ariail

    If you failed to notice, there has been no trial yet. Just criminals slow walking it for political reasons. If this was Hunter’s trial you trumpies would be losing what little minds you have.

  4. about 2 hours ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    Yet the right-wing Christians do nothing about any genocide. They even kill fellow Christens who refuse to vote for trump.

  5. about 3 hours ago on Clay Jones

    Are they really that stupid?

  6. about 3 hours ago on Clay Jones

    So, you would be safe unless the dog bites trolls too.

  7. about 3 hours ago on Clay Jones

    DC Swamp gives a whole new meaning to ’’stupid’’.

  8. about 3 hours ago on Clay Bennett

    Just when you think trumpies cannot get any dumber you prove you can and very easily.

  9. about 14 hours ago on Matt Wuerker

    Trump’s antics are more entertaining than Bidens real world actions that fix trump’s disasters.

  10. about 14 hours ago on Matt Wuerker

    s49nav: nice attempt at projection. Have you ever tried telling the truth for once or are you, like trump, unable to?