Lovepathology 2  1

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Recent Comments

  1. about 22 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    Great! That’s awesome. You will feel soooo much better.

  2. about 22 hours ago on One Big Happy

    They’re using bots to find land mines. If they blow up, they make another- cheap ones, but effective nonetheless.

  3. about 22 hours ago on Overboard

    GOOD MORNING, DSNERKER, DRAGON, SHIKAMOO and all the other LOUIE LOVERS. LOUIE’S BACK! He’s doing one of the things he loved the most. His spring adventures with the crew (animal & human) will be something adorable to look forward to!

  4. about 22 hours ago on The Other Coast

    Baby animals are irresistible. Too cute for their own good.

  5. about 22 hours ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    irresistable either way

  6. about 22 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    They did check if people were doing them jobs. They were emailed several times.

  7. 2 days ago on Overboard

    GOOD DAY DNSERKER, GOVERNOR, DRAGON, SHIKAMOO & all other Louie lovers…another day, no LOUIE! He better appear tomorrow, or else! (or else I’ll mention it in the comments section AGAIN!)

  8. 3 days ago on Overboard

    GOOD DAY, DSNERKER, DRAGON, SHIKAMOO & ALL OTHER LOUIE LOVERS! We missed him again, today, but the mousies & bunnies are cute…even though they are tech specialists here today!! :O

  9. 3 days ago on 9 to 5

    Just because people are rich doesn’t mean they don’t want to help others. Eliminating waste has been something Obama and Clinton claimed they were going to do, but never got around to it. Musk was not elected, no, but there are many positions working for a president that are appointments including secretaries of departments, house speaker, attorneys general and press secretary, to name a few. The democrats are just so mad that they lost and hate Trump so much, he could cure cancer and they’d still hate him. Trust me, if Trump said he wasn’t taking a salary, there is SOMEONE not writing him a check- and it would come out. Every president has the RIGHT to Secret Service protection no matter where they are. Not having Secret Service protection is NOT an option. It ensures the gears still roll should something happen to the President. Are you a citizen or what? You should know that. The actually found a gunman on Mar A Lago over the summer after the assassination attempt in PA. Didn’t you read the news?

  10. 3 days ago on Luann

    They’re new!