“It Pays to Look Well” was the slogan of the American Master Barbers of America. This is a sign that would have hung in many barbershops. Schulz’ dad was a barber, I believe.
Anybody have any idea why they just skipped back 7 years to 1970? I think they have been consistently working through 1977 for the past year, and before that 1976.
Anyone have any idea who Fast Sammy or the Coopmeister are supposed to be? Kenny Boy was W’s nickname for Enron’s Ken Lay (which I remember well), but the Google Machine isn’t helping with the other ones. I assume they are real nicknames, because the anonymous aide on the other end of the line recognizes then and only stumbles on W’s nickname for the fictional Jim Andrews.
This strip is a name check of Doonesbury’s syndicate and the syndicate founder. From Wikipedia: "Universal Press Syndicate was founded by John McMeel and Jim Andrews in 1970, two graduates of the University of Notre Dame. Their early syndication success came as a result of Andrews reading the Yale Daily News. While clipping a column by a priest, he was distracted by Garry Trudeau’s Bull Tales comic strip on the facing page. When Trudeau’s Doonesbury debuted as a daily strip in two dozen newspapers on October 26, 1970, it was the first strip from Universal Press Syndicate, and a Sunday strip was launched March 21, 1971. "
“It Pays to Look Well” was the slogan of the American Master Barbers of America. This is a sign that would have hung in many barbershops. Schulz’ dad was a barber, I believe.