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- almost 2 years ago on Wallace the Brave
about 2 years ago
on Scott Stantis
I apologize too for any insults. i too will try to be more civil
about 2 years ago
on Scott Stantis
I would like to thank you for at least doing what others haven’t done in a while when I talk to them. argue a point using evidence. unfortunately, I won’t be able to get back to you immediately but say in about three weeks to a month or later expect me to respond as I must do a bit more research myself.
about 2 years ago
on Scott Stantis
You say the bible was created by man but in reality, this is not true. If you did your research you would know that Jesus was even recorded in History apart from the bible. lookup, Josephus. The Bible records history right. and so do other ancient nations. that’s how we have an understanding of certain cultures and nations. if we were to just disregard like you do the bible (But you already base that it isn’t true of unconfirmed assumptions that have proven to be false. saying that the bible was created by a group of men{which you can’t even specify who and have no knowledge of who they actually were} even though some of these men wouldn’t even have known each other like that because the books of the bible expand across time even passing A.D in the new testament) then nobody would even know what happened then. we could all just say that all history is what you said. men making up things to be in power. but we know this is only an assumption that has no base in anything but feeling.
what Zygotes are you talking about. are you talking about the polar bodies that aren’t even compatible to make a being? if so then they are not. God loves life. conception is when a sperm touches an egg, not a polar body. GET EDUCATED. don’t tell me half-truths dude. otherwise, clarify what you mean.
call me blind all you want. but you walk around blindly in contradiction against yourself. The word of God is sure. it’s not a history book. but it does have history so take it seriously. spiderman isn’t real because it was obviously created to be fiction. The word of god is not. it has geological evidence, and historical evidence, and explains much of what we know today. the word of God will live in my heart forever. even if you burn the bible a thousand times.
about 2 years ago
on Scott Stantis
I’ve read most of the bible and tell me where the bible contradicts itself. tell me where it straight-up contradicts itself. not a “sort of” “technically” “I think”. no. tell me straight up where. and if you actually studied the bible, you would understand that the people who wrote and suffered to translate… no even before then when the books of the bible were separate and not put together the people who suffered to preach the Gospel; then you would know what they went through. that they had no power. they can’t keep themselves in power if they had none. the only power they had was Jesus and that was enough power for them to turn the world upside down. your belief in evolution (or whatever you believe in, you probably don’t and only base things off of your stupid opinions and expect everyone to follow suit with you. hmm sounds exactly like what you are accusing me of doing but wait. God created and therefore owns everything and makes the rules. Not you. you’re just throwing a hissy fit because you can’t do what you want to do. )
THE gentiles (such as what I and you are) may not have known about Ethster but they knew about the gospel. so I study God’s word. I’ve read about almost the whole bible but am still reading Ecclesiastes and the song of Solomon. Salvation and knowledge of God aren’t reading the whole bible. if that were true then you would be saved and believe in God. But you don’t.
about 2 years ago
on Scott Stantis
You are constantly fliping what the bible says to make it your little slave and that’s more sickening. Get educated on what the bible really says and stop making biased or uneducated statements about this.
Before I end I would like to know honestly. are you an atheist who believes in Darwin? just to help me out with where you are coming from with your assumptions.
about 2 years ago
on Scott Stantis
The political system has more. the school system has more. In fact, the world has Greedy people because of sin. No man is perfect besides Christ. we all are greedy because we are all selfish and prideful. Don’t try to make “religion” the only one. and just because there are corrupt men in the church (because most of the church has become corrupted by politics and Apostosy) does not make Christianity bad. like I’ve put in a previous example if I took your words and flipped them upside down does that mean your words are what I said they were? No. use logic. Part to whole fallacy.
I would like to point out that Christians do not have absolute power. Remember when I said that I could never beat you over the head with the bible and make you believe? I meant it. God does not call Christians to do so. Every government (whether it be the church, State, Parental, and self has to align with God. Christianity is not man-made. history and people have proven that they would not die for something that they did not believe in and saw with their own eyes. Even historians such as Joecephus and others testified that a man named Jesus did signs and wonders and that there were people who still preached that he rose from the dead. you also have the epistles, gospels, and the old testament are written proof.
it’s not just the german bible. The original and KJV and others say the same thing because it was true. God set the order from the very beginning. Genesis 2:24 “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” Stop making what is right about your feelings. feelings are fleeting and unstable. God’s word is sure and sturdy and with the Holy Spirit, you will never fall. If everyone did as they feel(oh wait America has already fallen into this) we would have way more murders rape and theft. our feelings are marked by our limited and flawed nature. stop relying on them to support homosexuality. it doesn’t work.
about 2 years ago
on Scott Stantis
suuureee(sarcasm). ok, let’s break this down. You don’t even know what the four criteria for life are but you want to say I have a bad education. the fact you don’t remember your high school biology class means that I’ve retained more than you have in school which also means that I’m getting a better education.
so because I’ve never read every chapter in the bible proves what? Nothing. that was just a clearly Dumb statement.
No God is not inept. 2 Peter 2:9 “then the Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations and to reserve the unjust under punishment for the day of judgment,” God knows How to preserve his writings, and it’s a miracle that they are. that’s how we have the written gospels, epistles, Torah and the other groups. they were written by the inspiration of the holy spirit. the inspiration of the Holy Spirit means that the thing written, God preserved the minds of the people who wrote it. and as for the things such as translations (if you were actually reading what I was saying you should know this) translations are translating something from one language to another. in this case greek to other languages. when we are talking about different translations we are talking about different word choices to make things easier for someone else to comprehend. KJV was one of the first iterations and was comprehensible to the people’s speech at the time( art, tis,). If there are people who sometimes have a hard time understanding things they grow. we are flawed and simultaneously righteous. we Go through a process of failing and learning from our mistakes with the help of the Holy Spirit. until the day we die or Jesus comes back and at that time we will be made glorified. so when we talk about translations when they sometimes don’t actually say something that lines up with the rest of scripture we look into it and correct the mistake. God isn’t a bad God because he doesn’t do what you want him to do; it’s the other way around. get it right my friend.
about 2 years ago
on Heart of the City
naw just the cold bruh. drink tea medicine and vitamins and you’ll eventually get better. just stay home though.
about 2 years ago
on Big Nate
welp i cant argue with you there. you do you.
i love how it did Dr. Seuse the grinch who stole Christmas but with valentines day. interesting and introspective.