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  1. 4 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Since both candidates are embarrassments to the human race, the best you can do is vote for the party and hope the party will control them.

  2. 4 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    I am neither left or right. But I have lived in several border cities. Eating the local wildlife is nothing new. Its been going on for decades. In fact it was a running joke about what you were eating in the restaurants since there were no stray animals around.

  3. 11 days ago on Non Sequitur

    Who came first Benchy or Eddie?

  4. 12 days ago on Rubes

    They tell you not to look up how they work, otherwise it doesn’t work. Pure psychology coupled with discomfort.

  5. 12 days ago on Brewster Rockit

    The two parties are too powerful to allow a viable third party. The people lost control long ago.

  6. 13 days ago on Brewster Rockit

    If Kamala is afraid of a hat then she is the wrong candidate.

  7. about 1 month ago on Non Sequitur

    What’s the matter? Facts not agreeing with your echo chamber?

  8. about 1 month ago on Brewster Rockit

    Back when there were actually independent journalists instead of the paid corporate shills we have today the polls were actually meaningful. One of the primary checks on the government is gone and the people seem OK with that.

  9. about 1 month ago on Non Sequitur

    Its amazing how quickly a city can go into decline when leftists take over a city. Abq went from a top third city with a strong university and research background to being at the bottom of every category today.

  10. almost 2 years ago on Brewster Rockit

    More likely Albuquerque