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  1. 16 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    I also have a protection system – 3 Rottweilers and an English Mastiff. Unfortunately, the system is defective. The Rottweilers might drown an intruder in drool while delivering slobbery kisses, but that’s about it. And the Mastiff, although lovable, is a bit of a coward. :)

  2. 16 days ago on Luann

    Why would it have to be filled? She’s in an assisted living facility, not a prison. She can still live her life; she just needs a little help.

  3. 7 months ago on Luann

    I also didn’t see any racism on Irma’s part. Wasn’t Rosa Hispanic? If Irma was racist I think she would also have objected to Rosa. What a lot of people seem to miss when flogging the race issue is this: Yes, it IS wrong to dislike someone because of their race. It is equally wrong to suggest that we have to like someone simply BECAUSE of their race.

  4. 8 months ago on Luann

    Finally, someone asks. Former honors English major here. It’s not “Me thinks you protest too much,” or, “Me thinks thou dost protest too much,” or any of the other common misquotes. It’s from Queen Gertrude in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet,” and it’s “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”

  5. 8 months ago on Luann

    She definitely looks hot, but not much like Dolly Parton. Dolly’s not exactly a “jeans and a tied-up shirt” sort. Also, a wig would have been helpful. Dolly is platinum blonde, not Luann yellow.

  6. 8 months ago on Luann

    Tiff has matured a lot, and it makes sense that she would invite Stef. I think she’d figure “Well, I don’t like her much, but I invited all the other dorm-mates, and it would be hurtful to leave her out.” It was a smart, sensitive decision – good on you, Tiffany!

  7. 8 months ago on Luann

    Maybe we should cut Stef some slack. I think she’s coming from a place of deep insecurity, as we can guess from her jealousy where Kip is concerned. I’m saying this because I used to be just like her. When I was about her age, I was dumped by a guy who, with hindsight, I realize was nowhere near good enough for me. Added to that, my father made it clear to me that he’d never wanted me because I was the wrong gender. Out of hurt and poor self-image, I turned into Stef. I was like, “Look at me, appreciate me, and admire me! Because deep down inside, I know I don’t deserve ANY of that.” Maybe I’m over-analyzing, but I think there’s more to Stef than meets the eye, and I’d like to see G&K develop her a little more. See what’s beneath that “I’m here, pay attention to me!” exterior.

  8. 8 months ago on Luann

    “Finally ready”??? Do you actually think that Toni’s relationships, career choices, etc. (or those of any other woman, for that matter) are nothing more than some way of marking time until she’s “finally ready” to sprog? Some women are NEVER ready. I’m 66 years old, and I know I never was. Never looked into strollers and thought “I want one of those, but maybe not right now – I’ll wait until I’m FINALLY READY.”I’ve never held a baby – never wanted to. My friends all knew that I’d never babysit for them. If one had said “I need life-saving surgery, and there’s nobody else to babysit my kid, so if you don’t do it, I’ll literally DIE,” my response would have been “I’ll miss you.”I never even played with dolls as a child. Unless you count a brief phase when I dressed Ken up in his woodsman’s outfit, with his axe and rifle, and had him slash the tires on Barbie’s Dream Corvette, cut the phone lines to Barbie’s Dream House, and — well, enough about that.Toni deciding that she’s “finally ready” would be an okay storyline. Assuming that it’s the only possible direction her life can (or should) take, though, is offensive.And if you’re gearing up to say “It’s a good thing you never bred,” just stop right there because we’re in total agreement.

  9. 8 months ago on Luann

    The theme is DOLLS, not couples. But if they’re going as a doll couple, my vote is for Chucky and Tiffany.

  10. 9 months ago on Luann

    “So does anyone think something may start up between Gunther and Luann?”I think that ship has sailed. The Lu/Gun thing reminds me of my relationship with a childhood friend. Okay, I’ll date myself – we’ve known each other since we were 5. We’re both 66 now. There was a very brief moment, when we were in high school, that a romance might have developed – all those teenage hormones! But it would have taken us out of our comfort zone, and once we got older, the comfort zone was where we were… well, comfortable! Even now, if we were both single, nothing would happen romantically. We’d still get together for dinner when he’s in town, we’d hug afterward, and I’d go home. We’ll be friends forever, but nothing more, and I think it’s the same with Luann and Gunther.