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  1. 1 day ago on Over the Hedge

    old joke punchline: Librtal arts grads are asking “Do you want fries with that?”

  2. 1 day ago on Dog Eat Doug

    An evil concoction if there ever was one. How about adding eye of newt and toe of frog.

  3. 3 days ago on Luann

    In 2005 my dr was in an association, which had rules about using other doctors not in the group, including specialists. The association had no urologist, so my dr, fearful he might lose money for breaking the rules, kept saying my prostate was ok. I finally went to a dr who was not in an association and after an exam, he sent me to a urologist, who found I had advanced prostate cancer.You think I’m fond of associations? Think again.

  4. 5 days ago on Clay Bennett

    Good point.

  5. 7 days ago on Over the Hedge

    Rex Morgan has been replaced with Medicare Advantage plans. God help us old farts.

  6. 7 days ago on Lard's World Peace Tips

    Has something to do with black holes, quasars, and how much syrup to put on a waffle. (grin)

  7. 13 days ago on Ozy and Millie

    I’m confused. I thought “down with something” meant you liked it. Or is that expression old hat now?

  8. 13 days ago on The Grizzwells

    Hey there’s more than one porky in the pines.

  9. 17 days ago on Cornered

    Depends. Our tap water is undrinkable. Every few months we get A later from the city warning us to boil the water before use. We have little kiosks where we can fill our one -to 5 gallon bottles with osmosis=filtered water. The tap water smells like bleach. I’ll admit, though, a lot of the bottled water places are bunk.

  10. 19 days ago on Rob Rogers

    Reminds me of." CCR’s “Favorite Son”