Serious question: when he decided to “retire,” why did Batiuk end his better known and longer-tenured strip, Funky Winkerbean, and move those characters to Crankshaft, rather than vice-versa? The net effect would have been the same. Was 50 years of FW just a nice, round number to go out on? He could have folded Crankshaft, kept FW going and attempted Blondie-like longevity.
Dan Davis has once again cut and pasted, this time from the character sketches John Byrne created for Funky Winkerbean’s Act III time jump (when Cindy was only 46): >
Pete’s first order of business when he bought Montoni’s was to ditch the red aprons for puke-green ones that match the flannel shirt that he always used to wear.
I do not wish to think about Lillian’s knees