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stevegayle Free

Engineer. Physicist. Educator. Salesman to the multiverse.

Recent Comments

  1. about 8 hours ago on Luann

    First world problems, visit Malaysia someday.

  2. 14 days ago on Luann

    Re: art and eyeballsAdd a slice of pie, a lit firecracker and a distorted rabbit…

  3. 21 days ago on Luann

    You move fingers out of the way of a knife.BTW, considering how pricey eggs are…it must be loveOtherwise a Little Debbie Snack Cake O’Death with a candle on it…Little Debbie – straight to the heart, til death do us part.(The cake will tell us much more; Devils Food? Angel Food? Carrot Cake? Chocodile? Cupcake?)

  4. 21 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    My comment re Male Perspective: women are out for themselves.As they have to be because there are sexist barriers“The Female of the species is deadlier by far” Rudyard KiplingIt would be great if those barriers and pressures went away,but dont hold your breath, thrive in the years you have left.And before anyone piles on, the best manager I ever had was female.The worst manager I ever had was also female, but the differencebetween a cat and a black widow. Men are generally clueless,and driven by ego rather than anger. Choose wisely (Lotto!)

  5. 21 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    OT: stressed about work…I’d like to give a male perspective that has zero forgiveness for bullies.I had managers put over me in much of my career, both startup tech and established 100 yr old companies. The European companieshad actual professional managers who were trained to develop thetalents in their departments, American were promoted to managerswith very little people skills; other managers were put in place basedon nepotism or the flawed belief that someone good a particular task would be good as a manager (never works).I thrived with a manager who actually listened and understoodnot coincidentally was trained by old school management ratherthan newbie technos. Look at the age of the companies as well asthe exciting new technology – there’s a tradeoff between workingfor a mini tyrant and a mature businessperson.

  6. 23 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Re changing comment section:“A a new life awaits you in the Outworld ColoniesA chance to begin again…”

  7. about 1 month ago on Luann

    What works best for me is a sleep mask and a purring cat.The rumble is just the right frequency…gettin tired just thinking it.

  8. about 1 month ago on Breaking Cat News

    I was born in 1961.What I really miss is the in-person social interaction of meeting newpeople at coffee bars, Jamba Juice, walk-up kiosks, lunch counters etc.People used to think before opening their mouths In The Before Times;now its a firehouse of unfiltered lunacy and rage with anonymityand no consequence for popping off, online.BTW on music: the great stuff of the 1940-1980 era was that theback-up bands for the headliners got to develop their own music.Te pulse of society is what the rebels and innovators bring to the mix

  9. about 1 month ago on Luann

    Giant Meteor/Galaxy Destroyer 2026 “Just end it all, already”

  10. about 1 month ago on Luann

    “Dont try to find a boy you need to fix”?Ahahahahahahahaha….whew! Have you ever met women?