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Flaggerdc Free

Retired government mainframe computer systems analyst

Recent Comments

  1. about 2 years ago on Broom Hilda

    Or the women race car drivers who are all better drivers on the track than I was when I tried it out. Especially the woman instructor who shepherded me through that weekend so I learned I was not cut out to be a racer.

  2. about 2 years ago on Frank and Ernest

    Since most of them are here in DC, they’re not locked up in your jails as they would be if you all hadn’t decided to get rid of them. You really don’t need all those failures and miscreants clogging up your towns, do you.

  3. about 2 years ago on Herman

    Would that be Maxwell Smart ?

  4. about 2 years ago on Shoe

    Pick a person you like the least and make them the executor of your will. Your will should give everything to the kids as best they want to split them up. Then, watch the chaos.

  5. about 2 years ago on Wizard of Id

    Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right. Here I am, stuck in the middle…… make it ‘DC south of me and ocean to the left, here I am, why me?’