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  1. about 2 months ago on Luann

    The “superior moralizing” gets old quick. If people want to take in/babysit a brood of kids with no advance warning, or maybe they want to foster kids IRL, that’s great.

    I can do without all the chest thumping and lecturing that the rest of us by playing the “not compassionate card” and hints that we are bad people.

  2. about 2 months ago on Luann

    YUP. Life would just be endless obligations to acquaintances (not even friends) if we fell for this schtick.

    If some people want to rush in and throw their time and money at any rando person who needs this and that, then I respect that. Their choice. Just don’t wave the finger and go “Tsk” “No Compassion” “if you don’t do this then that shows your lack of character” at OTHERS.

  3. about 2 months ago on Luann

    Maybe we should create multiple accounts to thumbs up BJS for this posting.

  4. about 2 months ago on Luann

    And the early part of last week’s strip, with her Community College schedule packed with soft subjects/hobbies and only ONE of them is relevant to gaining credits to transfer to a university for a teaching degree, her “being a teacher” will take FOREVER.

    If she wanted it, she could work much harder towards attaining it.

  5. about 2 months ago on Luann

    That’s why they should have stayed in their home and Piro should have been upfront and ASKED Bernice to come over to watch them.

    They already know where the bathroom is, and if Piro needs to stay in the hospital all night, the kids would have their own beds. And unpaid babysitter Bernice can doze on the couch.

  6. about 2 months ago on Luann

    Nice guilt trip. Playing the “no compassion” card. What’s really going on is “taking advantage of an acquaintance and her host family”.

  7. about 2 months ago on Luann

    Yep. People being taken advantage of isn’t funny at all.

    And I don’t wanna hear a da** thing about “emergency” or other putzes trying to guilt others HERE with “I guess I won’t go to YOU if I have an emergency”.

  8. about 2 months ago on Luann

    Huh? Both are firefighters. That’s not a 9 to 5 job, and at any moment, they can get called in to fight, say, out of control wildfires in southern California. This can go on for WEEKS and they might be staying in a fire camp or motel room.

    Why would/should they take on the huge responsibility of “fostering” or “adopting” SIX kids?

    Even if they decide to have one child of their own, one of them might need to step off of the “active firefighter” role for a desk job.

  9. about 2 months ago on Luann

    You and Mordy are being TOO SENSIBLE!

    I can see this headed in that direction (MOOCH MOOCH MOOCH) because the truly hard-working and productive members of society (Brad and Toni, the DeGroots) are constantly being taken advantage of by the irresponsible who have constant “emergencies”.

  10. about 2 months ago on Luann

    They are strangers. Bernice and Luann had never even met these kids before. I’m not even sure if Piro is actually “a friend” since he didn’t introduce his family before and only recently revealed that his name is really “Walt”. They hardly know a thing about him, and whether the multiple Daddy Dearests are dangerous.

    He’s just “object of desire” and the girls don’t really know him. Let alone now being responsible for 6 kids they don’t know either.