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  1. 8 months ago on Luann

    We were talking about October 19th. Look at panel 2. That smugness as he stuffs fries in his face while gloating about her revenue “slipping significantly” without him. And panel 3. “Happiness comes from unexpected places” (smiles he he).

    No respect for Bets there. I was completely disgusted by him, and he’s not getting “a break” from me until he owns it.

  2. 8 months ago on Luann

    No I won’t. That Oct 19th strip was sheer meanness and pettiness and childishness on his part. I don’t care how much you’re a Gunther apologist, or how others try to spin it.

    “People” TRY to say that he “only” wanted to show that “now that I’m gone, it’s NOT biz as usual for her channel”. The look on his face and the admission of happiness about her loss of income says it all.

    I’ll “give him a break” when G&K see fit for him to own up to that, and admit he was being stupid.

  3. 8 months ago on Luann

    I think that if he was tracking the number of followers and income before, and noticed the drop and was so HAPPY about it pretty much means that he wanted her to fail without him. So petty and childish, no matter how you slice and dice it.

  4. 8 months ago on Luann

    Yeppers, and watch Irma insult Bets some more, with way-out-of-date racial terms (involving the word “color”) and other insulting pet terms worse than “your little friend”.

    If Bets n’ Gun are gonna reconcile, they NEED to stand up to Irma’s condescending dinner table s***. And it would help if Gunther owned up to his not-so-subconscious desire to see Bets fail.

    And Bets should finally realize that her online “family” is a bunch of toxic jerks and she doesn’t need them and they AREN’T a substitute for real friends and family. And that she doesn’t need for herself and Gunther to be a performing flea circus for online voyeurs.

  5. 8 months ago on Luann

    Yeah! And go tell her the truth about what he said about her behind her back. “[Your] revenue has slipped significantly” (smug smile) “Happiness comes from unexpected places (watching you fail, babe)”

  6. 8 months ago on Luann

    Whether she has a 2nd channel, or renamed her original is besides the point. The distressing call-out I’m making is how he wanted, and got his jollies from her loss of followers and income. He WANTED her to fail and that made him HAPPY.

  7. 8 months ago on Luann

    It’s what he wanted anyway, right? Let’s go back to the infamous strip on Oct 19th. He ENJOYED the thought of her losing followers and income. So now she’s deleted the feed, lost ALL her followers and income.

    Happy now, Gunther? Huh? Huh?

  8. 8 months ago on Luann

    “Won’t happen” is right. Any girl will easily see that Gunthy baby is still clinging to Mommy’s apron strings. And, if somehow Mommy disrespects new gf, Gunthy will just sit by passively and let it happen, leaving the gf to fume in silence and humiliation, or let ’er rip on Mommy and then that relationship is ovah.

  9. 8 months ago on Luann

    Well, Tiff has come a LONG way, baby since her vain HS days. She’s been through the wringer, and adversity forced her to learn the value of money, how credit cards work, the value of friends, a truce and even a friendship with Luann. She’s at Moony and has a goal- to be a business mogul. She’s taking the right classes for that.

    She still does dumb things, with the way she USED Les and Gunther so she could be a Pampered Princess at the Gulag. That was a step back, but overall, she’s moving forwards.

    The BIGGEST thing that I respect about Tiff is that she’s in college AND she works at the Fuse. At one time, it was her only income not controlled by Ann Evil. But even with Ann being gone, she’s still working, even though Daddy is rich. She doesn’t HAVE to economically, but she still shows up and punches the clock. Total respect for people who make an honest living.

    I also have some respect for Luann for working PT at Kidz First. At least she’s making her own money for entertainment and expenses. Her parents do support her for the basics, but she can afford her own frills.

    I have NO respect for Steffi and Bernice. Lazy, entitled bums who don’t work, and if Steffi “needs” to go to a cheerleading competition and it costs $$$, she doesn’t get a job. She just taps other people for cash until the well (Kip) goes dry. Then people like Dez enable her by handing over money with no repayment expected. Steffi has zero concept of paying her own way.

    Ditto Bernice. After turning on the waterworks and wailing about being “homeless”, she gets an invite to “stay” at the DeGroots and now acts like she’s entitled to a permanent spot there and contributes near-nothing for her upkeep. She has plenty of time to sit around reading romance novels, or spy on Luann and follow her around, but zero time to get a freakin’ job and help pull her OWN weight.

  10. 8 months ago on Luann

    …after collecting $16.99 for their novella that was all about Bets n’ Gun, sold to readers who wanted more story and an inside scoop of things that are only briefly referred to in the main (free) strip.

    Money collected. Bets done (?)